Faculty | Faculty of Education (PDF) |
Study programme | Cultural education (N0288A190001) |
Branch of study / Specialization | Cultural education (7507T099/ma - NA24) |
Level of acquired qualification | Postgraduate Master |
Form of study | Full-time |
Standard length of study | 2 years |
Number of ECTS credits | 120 |
Qualification awarded | Master (7) |
Access to further studies | Doctoral study programme |
Type of completion | Master's Thesis Defense, State Final Exam |
Study and Examination Code | URL |
Faculty coordinator for international students | unspecified |
Key learning outcomes | unspecified |
Specific admission requirements | unspecified |
Specific provisions for recognition of prior learning | unspecified |
Qualification requirements and regulations | unspecified |
Profile of the programme | unspecified |
Persistence requirements | unspecified |
Occupational profiles of graduates with examples | unspecified |
Branch of study / Specialization guarantor | Šobáňová Petra, doc. Mgr. Ph.D. |
Select combination to be shown
Branch of study name / specialization (branch of study code, study plan Stage and Version) | |
Select combination | Teaching mathematics at lower secondary schools (7503T039/mi - 1 - NA22), Teaching mathematics at lower secondary schools (7503T039/mi - 1 - NA23), Teaching mathematics at lower secondary schools (7503T039/mi - 1 - NA20), Teaching mathematics at lower secondary schools (7503T039/mi - 1 - NA21), Teaching mathematics at lower secondary schools (7503T039/mi - 1 - NA24) |
Select combination | Archeology (7105T001/mi - 1 - 2019) |
Select combination | Theatre Studies (8104T019mf/mi - 1 - 2019) |
Select combination | History (7105T021mf/mi - 1 - 2019) |
Select combination | Cultural Anthropology (6107T028mf/mi - 1 - 2019) |
Select combination | Media Studies (7202T012mf/mi - 1 - 2019) |
Select combination | Musicology (8102T005mf/mi - 1 - 2019) |
Select combination | Religion Studies (6101T014mf/mi - 1 - 2019) |
Select combination | Television and Radio Studies (8104T020mf/mi - 1 - 2024) |
The History of Art and the Theory of Art (8101T002mf/mi - 1 - 2020) |
1. year | 2. year | Undetermined year | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Winter | Summer | Winter | Summer | Winter | Summer | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Total 60 credits | Total 60 credits | Total 60 credits | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Total 120 credits |