The aim of the subject is to equip the graduate with special pedagogical speech therapy competences with an overlap in the field of social work and social pedagogy, in the health department, where he will act as a valid member of the team. The graduate will be equipped with basic competencies at the level of teaching assistant and social worker in particular. The target group with which the graduate will work are persons with visual impairment and visual impairment from early age to old age. The emphasis is placed on supporting communication with persons with visual impairment and visual impairment and communication difficulties, or with impaired communication skills and selected issues of speech therapy intervention (speech therapy diagnostics, therapy and prevention). Thematic areas: ? Organization of speech therapy intervention in speech therapy in the Czech Republic according to departments (healthcare, education, social services). Contacts for specialized workplaces. ? Functional communication. Active listening. ? Praise and evaluation in communication. Positive and negative feedback, appreciation in communication. ? Development of speech, language and communication ? a basic introduction to the issue. ? Critical periods in the development of children's speech. ? Non-directive communication strategy. ? Specifics of communication of visually impaired people ? symptomatic speech disorders in visually impaired people. ? Basics of speech therapy diagnostics. Orientation and basic speech therapy examination. ? Principles of communication with a client with visual impairment and impaired communication skills. ? Principles of communication with the family caring for a member with visual impairment and impaired communication skills. ? How to communicate with children in a class where a child with impaired communication skills is being educated? ? Communication support of the client with impaired communication ability according to the type of impaired communication ability. ? Basic overview of the symptomatology of selected forms of impaired communication ability in relation to visual impairment. ? Basics of logopedic diagnosis with an emphasis on speech development disorders, developmental dysphasia, aphasia, articulation disorders and phonological disorders, speech fluency, speech sound and voice disorders, elective mutism, graphomotor skills and functions necessary for the favorable development of reading, writing, mathematical abilities, symptomatic disorders speech, combined speech disorders. ? Basics of speech therapy intervention in the field of speech development disorders, developmental dysphasia, aphasia, articulation disorders and phonological disorders, speech fluency, speech sound and voice disorders, elective mutism, graphomotor skills and functions necessary for the favorable development of reading, writing, mathematical abilities, symptomatic speech disorders , combined speech disorders. ? Speech therapy devices, didactic and technical aids, use of computer software in the diagnosis and intervention of impaired communication skills. Povinná literatura: COMER, R. J. (2004). Abnormal psychology. New York: Worth Publishers. ČERVENKOVÁ, R. (2019). Rozvoj komunikačních a jazykových schopností: u dětí od narození do tří let věku. 1. vydání. Praha: Grada. 213 stran. Pedagogika. ISBN 978-80-271-2054-3. Dostupné také z: HORŇÁKOVÁ, K., KAPALKOVÁ, S. a MIKULAJOVÁ, M. (2009). Jak mluvit s dětmi: od narození do tří let. Vyd. 1. Praha: Portál.. 167 s. Rádci pro rodiče a vychovatele. ISBN 978-80-7367-612-4. KEREKRÉTIOVÁ, A. (2016). Logopédia. Bratislava: Univerzita Komenského. 341 stran. ISBN 978-80-223-4165-3. LECHTA, V., ed. (2016). Inkluzivní pedagogika. Vydání první. Praha: Portál. 463 stran. ISBN 978-80-262-1123-5 LECHTA, V. (2011). Symptomatické poruchy řeči u dětí. Vyd. 3., dopl. a přeprac. Praha: Portál. 190 s. ISBN 978-80-7367-977-4