Course title | crisis intervention |
Course code | USS/UKRI |
Organizational form of instruction | Lecture + Exercise |
Level of course | Bachelor |
Year of study | 2 |
Semester | Winter and summer |
Number of ECTS credits | 2 |
Language of instruction | Czech |
Status of course | Compulsory-optional |
Form of instruction | Face-to-face |
Work placements | This is not an internship |
Recommended optional programme components | None |
Lecturer(s) |
Course content |
Learning activities and teaching methods |
unspecified |
Learning outcomes |
Content: ? Introduction to the issue of crisis and trauma. ? Theoretical definition of crisis intervention. ? Crisis intervention models. ? Crisis intervention for children. ? Interventions within development needs. ? Crisis intervention for seniors. ? Crisis intervention and suicidal behavior. ? Crisis intervention for long-term patients. ? Crisis intervention for persons with disabilities. ? Family and child with disabilities. ? Death and dying. Povinná literatura: KLIMENTOVÁ, E, HUDCOVÁ, B., ŠEVČÍK, D., DOHNALOVÁ, S. a MAHROVÁ, S. (2019). Sociální práce a krizová intervence. Praha: Ministerstvo práce a sociálních věcí. Sešit sociální práce. ISBN 978-80-7421-158-4. MICHALÍK, J., a kol. (2011). Zdravotní postižení a pomáhající profese. Praha: Portál. ISBN 978-80-7367-859-3. PRAŠKO, J. a kol. (2007). Kognitivně-behaviorální terapie psychických poruch. Praha: Triton. ISBN 978-80-7254-865-1. RŮŽIČKA, M. a kol. (2013). Krizová intervence pro speciální pedagogy. Olomouc: UP. ISBN 978-80-244-3305-9. VODÁČKOVÁ, D. (2020). Krizová intervence. 4., aktualizované vydání. Praha: Portál. ISBN 978-80-262-1704-6. Doporučená literatura: VYMĚTAL, J. a kol. (2007). Obecná psychoterapie. Praha. Grada. ISBN 978-80-247-0723-5.
Prerequisites |
Assessment methods and criteria |
Recommended literature |
Study plans that include the course |
Faculty | Study plan (Version) | Category of Branch/Specialization | Recommended semester | |
Faculty: Faculty of Education | Study plan (Version): Special education with a focus on teaching assistance (BB24) | Category: Pedagogy, teacher training and social care | 2 | Recommended year of study:2, Recommended semester: Summer |
Faculty: Faculty of Education | Study plan (Version): Special education with a focus on teaching assistance (BB23) | Category: Pedagogy, teacher training and social care | 2 | Recommended year of study:2, Recommended semester: Summer |