The aim of the subject is to present the students with the basic theoretical definition of the field, its concept and concepts in ethical, legislative and historical contexts in the Czech Republic and abroad. ? Concept of the field, position in the system of sciences, conceptual definition and terminology. ? System and organization of equipment for people of target groups of the field. ? The family as a risk factor for the emergence of problematic child behavior, institutional and protective education, performance of social and legal protection of children and youth ? Behavioral disorders classification, terminology, etiology, developmental conditioning, intervention options. ? Hypokinetic disorders classification, terminology, etiology, developmental conditioning, intervention options. ? Types of risky and problem behavior. ? Social disadvantage, social exclusion, causes, prevention, manifestations, intervention programs, specifics of the Roma family and the Roma child in the context of school education and pre-school preparation. ? CAN syndrome abuse, sexual abuse, neglect causes, manifestations, diagnosis, intervention options, protection and prevention. ? Emotional disorders and other psychological disorders. ? Prevention of risky behavior in schools and school facilities, specific and non-specific primary prevention programs. Povinná literatura: HAIDT, J. (2013). Morálka lidské mysli: proč lidstvo rozděluje politika a náboženství. Praha: Dybbuk. ISBN 978-80-7438-090-7. HUTYROVÁ, M. (2019). Děti a problémy v chování: etopedie v praxi. Praha: Portál. ISBN 978-80-262-1523-3. MIOVSKÝ, M., SKÁCELOVÁ, L., ZAPLETALOVÁ, J. a kol. (2015). Prevence rizikového chování ve školství. Druhé, přepracované a doplněné vydání. Praha: Klinika adiktologie 1. LF UK v Praze a VFN v Praze. ISBN 978-80-7422-391-4. Doporučená literatura: RE, A. M., CAPODIECI, A. (2020). Understanding ADHD: a guide to symptoms, management and treatment. London: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group. Understanding atypical development. ISBN 978-0-367-19324-9. RŮŽIČKA, M., PASTIERIKOVÁ, L., SMOLÍKOVÁ, M., FIALOVÁ, K., BASLEROVÁ, P. (2020). Speciální pedagog a další aktéři školního poradenského pracoviště ve společném vzdělávání. Olomouc: UP. ISBN 978-80-244-5704-8.