Pavlačka Ondřej, RNDr. Ph.D.
Course content
1. Insurance and the insurance sector. 2. The insurance market and the financial market, subjects of the insurance market. 3. Factors affecting the insurance market. Indicators of the insurance market level. 4. Regulation of the insurance market. Single European market. 5. Single European insurance market. Transformation of the Czech insurance market. 6. Adaptation of the Czech insurance legislative to the European standards. Analysis of the Czech insurance market - premiums. 7. Analysis of the Czech insurance market - its structure, premium to GDP, premiums per capita, number of insurance companies and their market shares. 8. Analysis of the Czech insurance market - minor indicators, investment insurance market. 9. Analysis of the European insurance market - CEA, premiums and structure. 10. Analysis of the European insurance market - minor indicators, investment insurance market. 11. Analysis of the European insurance market - premium to GDP, premiums per capita. World insurance market. 12. Trends in insurance markets.
Learning activities and teaching methods
- Attendace
- 39 hours per semester
- Homework for Teaching
- 20 hours per semester
- Preparation for the Course Credit
- 30 hours per semester
Learning outcomes
Get acquainted with insurance market, analysis of development of Czech and European insurance market's indicators, presentation of the main trends in insurance markets.
Analysis Analyze the development of the Czech, European and world insurance market.
The advantage is passing KMA/PO1 a KMA/PO2 (nebo KMA/P1N a KMA/P2N).
Assessment methods and criteria
Written exam, Dialog
Credit: Passing a written test.
Recommended literature
Platná legislativa v oblasti pojišťovnictví..
Výroční zprávy České asociace pojišťoven. .
Ducháčková, E., Daňhel, J. (2010). Teorie pojistných trhů. . Praha.
Ducháčková, E. (2015). Pojištění a pojišťovnictví. Praha.
Ducháčková, E. (2009). Principy pojištění a pojišťovnictví. . Praha.