Burkotová Jana, Mgr. Ph.D.
Machalová Jitka, doc. RNDr. Ph.D., MBA
Škorňa Stanislav, Mgr.
Course content
1. Polynomial splines. 2. B-splines and their basic properties. 3. Spline interpolation. 4. Splines in least square problem. 5. Smoothing splines. 6. Tensor product splines. 7. Periodic and non-periodic discrete splines. 8. Spline-wavelets. 9. Discrete splines in image and signal processing.
Learning activities and teaching methods
Lecture, Dialogic Lecture (Discussion, Dialog, Brainstorming), Demonstration
Learning outcomes
Gain knowledge about approximation of data by using splines.
Knowledge Gain useful knowledge about approximation of data by using splines.
Standard knowledge from mathematical analysis, linear algebra and numerical methods.
Assessment methods and criteria
Oral exam, Seminar Work
Credit: the student has to compute assigned examples. Exam: the student has to understand the subject and be acquainted with theory and computational methods.
Recommended literature
C. de Boor. (1978). A Practical Guide to Splines. Springer, New York.
Ch. Gu. (2013). Smoothing spline ANOVA Models. Springer.
J. Kobza. (1993). Splajny. skriptum UP, Olomouc.
K. Najzar. (2006). Základní teorie splinů. skriptum UK, Praha.
P. Dierckx. (1995). Curve and Surface Fitting with Splines. Oxford University Press, New York.