Langer Jiří, doc. Mgr. Ph.D.
Mlčáková Renata, PhDr. Ph.D.
Stryková Eva, PaedDr.
Course content
Speech therapy - concept, subject, history, position in the science system, the position of the field within the framework of interdisciplinary relations - analysis of the relationship to medicine, social science disciplines and other disciplines. The opening of borders and the issue of moving the Czech speech therapy from the local and national levels; respecting client-multicultural aspect. Organization of speech therapy, speech therapy organization and society. Basic terminology speech therapy (communication, speech, language, nonverbal communication). Ten laps of communication disorder. Possibilities of speech therapy prevention following the ontogeny of children's speech. Basic knowledge of phonetics. Disruption of speech. Physiological difficulty in speech. Developmental dysphasia. Graphomotory. Diagnosis of communication skills - basic speech therapy examinations, the main objectives, principles and structure of the diagnosis, differential diagnosis, methods used in speech therapy diagnosis. Czech system sounds. Laterality and directionality.
Learning activities and teaching methods
Lecture, Dialogic Lecture (Discussion, Dialog, Brainstorming), Work with Text (with Book, Textbook), Demonstration
Learning outcomes
Speech therapy - concept, subject, history, position in the science system, the position of the field within the framework of interdisciplinary relations - analysis of the relationship to medicine, social science disciplines and other disciplines. The opening of borders and the issue of moving the Czech speech therapy from the local and national levels; respecting client-multicultural aspect. Organization of speech therapy, speech therapy organization and society. Basic terminology speech therapy (communication, speech, language, nonverbal communication). Ten laps of communication disorder. Possibilities of speech therapy prevention following the ontogeny of children's speech. Basic knowledge of phonetics. Disruption of speech. Physiological difficulty in speech. Developmental dysphasia. Graphomotory. Diagnosis of communication skills - basic speech therapy examinations, the main objectives, principles and structure of the diagnosis, differential diagnosis, methods used in speech therapy diagnosis. Czech system sounds. Laterality and directionality.
The outcomes of the subject are based on partial profile of the subject`s absolvent.
Assessment methods and criteria
Written exam
Fulfilment of subject requirements as stipulated by the teacher at the beginning of the semester.
Recommended literature
Jedlička, I.; Škodová, E. (2007). Klinická logopedie. Praha: Portál.
Klenková, J. (2006). Logopedie: narušení komunikační schopnosti, logopedická prevence, logopedická intervence v ČR, příklady z praxe. Praha: Grada.
Mlčáková, R., & Vitásková, K. (2013). Narušení artikulace a narušení vývoje mluvené řeči - vstup do problematiky. Olomouc: Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci.
Mlčáková, R., & Vitásková, K. (2013). Základy logopedie a organizace logopedické péče. Olomouc: Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci.
Mlčáková, R. (2009). Grafomotorika a počáteční psaní: předškolní příprava, výuka počátečního psaní, poruchy psané řeči, metodika pedagogického výzkumu. Praha: Grada.
Peutelschmiedová, A.; Vitásková, K. (2005). Logopedie. Olomouc: Univerzita Palackého.
ŠIŠKA, Z. (2006). Fonetika a fonologie.. Olomouc.