Course: Introduction to expressive therapies 2

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Course title Introduction to expressive therapies 2
Course code USS/HUT2
Organizational form of instruction Lecture
Level of course Bachelor
Year of study 1
Semester Winter and summer
Number of ECTS credits 2
Language of instruction Czech
Status of course Compulsory
Form of instruction Face-to-face
Work placements This is not an internship
Recommended optional programme components None
  • Kantor Jiří, doc. Mgr. Ph.D.
  • Valenta Milan, prof. PaedDr. Ph.D.
Course content

Learning activities and teaching methods
Learning outcomes
The aim of the discipline is to gain orientation in the field of artistic creative therapies and interdisciplinary relations with related areas that use art, e.g. with therapeutic art, music/arts medicine, aesthetic education, etc. In the subject Introduction to expressive therapies 2, interdisciplinary relations with related professions will be defined health (medical and non-medical), pedagogical, psychological, social, with psychotherapy, etc. The starting point will be a coordinated concept of rehabilitation and the application of these concepts for the field of special pedagogy, neurorehabilitation, psychosocial rehabilitation, etc. Special emphasis will be given to the intermodal concept, which uses a combination of different expressive means based on P. Knill's theory of intermodal transfer and the connection of musical, artistic, dramatic, dance and movement means. Furthermore, within this subject, the history and current status of individual directions of expressive / artistic creative therapies in the Czech Republic and some European countries, important personalities of these approaches, their contribution to the professionalization of expressive / artistic creative therapies, the role of professional associations (national and international) will be presented. and professional ethics. List of recommended literature and materials: ADAMEK, M. S., & DARROW, A. A. (2010). Music in Special Education. Silver Spring: The American Music Therapy Association, Inc. BRUSCIA, K. E. (2014). Defining Music Therapy. Gilsum, NH: Barcelona Publishers. ČÍŽKOVÁ, K. (2005). Tanečně pohybová terapie. Praha: Triton. DARROW, A. (Ed.). (2008). Introduction to Approaches in Music Therapy. Silver Spring: American Music Therapy Association, Inc. DOSEDLOVÁ, J. (2012). Terapie tancem. Praha:Grada. EDWARDS, J. (2016). The Oxford Handbook of Music Therapy. Croydon: Oxford University Press. MALCHIODI, C.A. (2007). Expressive Therapies. New York: The Guilford Press. GUSSAK, D.E., & ROSAL, M. (2015). The Wiley Handbook of Art Therapy. John Wiley, and Sons. HAKVOORT, L., GILBOA, A. et al. Breaking Strings: Explorations of Mistakes in Music Therapy. Artez: ArtEZ Press, pp. 329-338. ISBN 978-94-91444-77-7. HALPRIN, D. (2004). The Expressive Body in Life, Art, and Therapy. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers. HANSER, S. B. (2018). The New Music Therapist´s Handbook. New York: Beklee Press. HINZ, L. (2019). Expressive Therapies Continuum. New York: Taylor and Francis Group. HERNANDEZ-RUIZ, E. (2005). Postmodernism and Music Therapy. Voices: A World Forum for Music Therapy, 5(3). Dostupné z HOGAN, S. (2015). Art Therapy Theories: A critical introduction. New York: Routledge. JOHNSON, D.R., & EMUNAH, R. (2020). Current Approaches in Drama Therapy. Charles C Thomas. KANTOR, J., CAMPBELL, E.A. a kol. (2022). Exploring vibroacoustic therapy in adults experiencing pain: a scoping review. BMJ Open, 2022, 12, E046591. KANTOR, J., CHRÁSKA, M., LUDÍKOVÁ, L. (2019). Arts therapies in educational institutions. Education Sciences, 2019, 9(2), 82. doi: 10.3390/educsci9020082


Assessment methods and criteria
Recommended literature

Study plans that include the course
Faculty Study plan (Version) Category of Branch/Specialization Recommended year of study Recommended semester
Faculty: Faculty of Education Study plan (Version): Special education with a focus on expressive approaches (BB23) Category: Pedagogy, teacher training and social care 1 Recommended year of study:1, Recommended semester: Summer
Faculty: Faculty of Education Study plan (Version): Special education with a focus on expressive approaches (BB24) Category: Pedagogy, teacher training and social care 1 Recommended year of study:1, Recommended semester: Summer