The course Dance movement therapy introduces students to methods of therapeutic work through movement and dance. The experiential course presents several currents of contemporary dance therapy as part of body-centered psychotherapy and art therapy. It distinguishes between therapeutic dance (primitive expression, symbolic dance therapy) and dance movement psychotherapy. It also refers to other forms of using dance in psychotherapy, e.g. Cuban psychoballet. The kinship with other body-centered psychotherapy directions is revealed by the inclusion of contact relaxation and improvisation, bioenergetic massages and the overall focus on deepening contact with one's own body and strengthening positive self-acceptance.? The subject also has a theoretical part, in which students get to know the roots and current trends of dance-movement therapy in the Czech Republic and abroad.?The subject follows on from Dance-movement therapy 1. Teaching theses: ?- Concept and development of TPT, distinction between dance, therapeutic dance and dance psychotherapy ?- Techniques and forms of TPT and therapeutic dance ?- Self-reflection and social aspects in TPT ?- TPT as a somatic intervention ?- TPT as art therapy in a wider context ?- Indications and contraindications of TPT DOSEDLOVÁ, Jaroslava a Jiří KANTOR.?Tanečně-pohybová terapie a muzikoterapie?[online]. Olomouc: Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci, 2013, 1 CD-ROM [cit. 2022-05-01]. Studijní opory. ISBN 978-80-244-3682-1. ČÍŽKOVÁ, Klára.?Tanečně-pohybová terapie. Praha: Triton, 2005, 119 s. ISBN 8072545477. ZEDKOVÁ, Iveta, ed.?Tanečně pohybová terapie: teorie a praxe. Olomouc: Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci, 2012, 239 s. ISBN 978-80-244-3185-7. DOSEDLOVÁ, Jaroslava.?Terapie tancem: role tance v dějinách lidstva a v současné psychoterapii. Praha: Grada, 2012. Psyché (Grada). ISBN 978-80-247-3711-9.