The discipline called Music Therapy 1 deepens the level of understanding of the issue of music therapy that students acquired in the subject Introduction to Expressive Therapies 1. The aim of the discipline Music Therapy 1 is to equip students with knowledge regarding the definition and development of the music therapy profession in an international context, specifically music therapy in comparison with other directions of art therapies , the musical foundations of music therapy (with an emphasis on the elementary ability to analyze music), classifications of music therapy (classification of areas and levels of music therapy practice), professional requirements for music therapists and standards of music therapy practice, ethics in the field of music therapy and professional associations (Music Therapy Association of the Czech Republic, European Music Therapy Confederation and the World Federation of Music Therapy) and basic music therapy approaches, e.g. Creative Music Therapy, Analytical Music Therapy, Guided Imagination and Music and others. After completing this course, students will be oriented at a basic level in the field of music therapy, they will know the basic theoretical starting points and the theoretical framework, which is necessary for the successful completion of the disciplines Music Therapy 2 and Music Therapy 3. List of recommended literature and materials: ADAMEK, M. S., & DARROW, A. A. (2010). Music in Special Education. Silver Spring: The American Music Therapy Association, Inc. BAKER, F., & TAMPLIN, J. (2010). Music Therapy Methods in Neurorehabilitation. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers. BAKER, F., & WIGRAM, T. (2012). Songwriting: Methods, Techniques and Clinical Applications for Music Therapy Clinicians, Educators and Students. Jessica Kingsley Publishers, London. BRUNK, B. K., & COLEMAN, K. A. (1996). A Special Education Music Therapy Assessment Process. In B. L. WILSON, Models of Music Therapy Interventions in School Settings (s. 69-82). Silver Spring: AMTA, Inc. BRUSCIA, K. E. (2014). Defining Music Therapy. Gilsum, NH: Barcelona Publishers. CAMPBELL, E.A. a kol.(2022). Tactile low frequency vibration in dementia management: A scoping review. Frontiers in Psychology. 2022;13. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.854794 CRIPPS, C., TSIRIS, G., & SPIRO, N. (Eds.). (2016). Outcome measures in music therapy: A resource developed by the Nordoff Robbins research team. London: Nordoff Robbins Centre. DARROW, A. (Ed.). (2008). Introduction to Approaches in Music Therapy. Silver Spring: American Music Therapy Association, Inc. FRANĚK, M. (2006). Hudební psychologie. Praha: Karolinum. GERLICHOVÁ, M., & KANTOR, J. Efektivita muzikoterapie v rehabilitaci pacientů se získaným poškozením mozku: observačně-deskriptivní studie. [Effectivness of music therapy in rehabilitation of patients with acquired brain injury: observational-descriptive study]. Rehabilitácia, 2020, 57(4), 265-274. GERLICHOVÁ, M. (2014). Muzikoterapie v praxi. Praha: Grada. GILBOA, A. a kol. (2022). Why Music Therapists Choose to Work with a Clinical Population: An International Pilot Survey. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2022; 19(15):9463. doi: 10.3390/ijerph19159463 GILBOA, A. (2007). Testing the MAP: A graphic method for describing and analyzing music therapy sessions. The Arts in Psychotherapy, 34(4), 309-320.