Students will get to know the elements of the Gestalt psychotherapy direction both theoretically and interactively; which can be applied within the expressive-formative approaches of the system, especially with phenomena: here and now, field theory, contact, contact style and cycle, phenomenology. Through the analysis of case studies of special education clientele, these phenomena are demonstrated as applied in practical intervention. Thesis: - Theoretical insight and practical application of selected gestalt therapy phenomena (creative process, awareness, paradoxical theory of change, phase of group development, polarities) - Case studies and their analysis from the perspective of gestalt psychology. Through a self-reflective process through metaphor, students will be taught the skill of parallel process and bridging. Study literature and study aids: ????????, ?. ???????, ?. ??????????? ? ????????. ????, 2012. ISBN 5-9268-0259-8 BROWNEL, P. a kol. Gestaltterapie: Teorie, výzkum a praxe. Praha: Triton, 2011. ISBN 978-80-7387-419-3. MACKEWN, J. Gestalt psychoterapie. Praha: Portál, 2004. ISBN 80-7178-922-4. PERLS, F. S. Gestalt terapie doslova. Olomouc: Votobia, 1996. ISBN 80-7198-115-X. POLÍNEK, M. D. Gestaltdrama: zvýšení uvědomnění a základní psychické potřeby. In HUTYROVÁ, M. a kol. Jinakost ve speciálněpedagogickém kontextu. Olomouc: Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci, 2014, s. 153-159. ISBN 978-80-244-4290-7. ZINKER, J. Tvůrčí proces v Gestalt terapii. Brno: ERA, 2004. ISBN 80-86517-93-4. YALOM, I.D. Teorie a praxe skupinové psychoterapie. Hradec Králové: Konfrontace, 1999. ISBN 80-86088-05-7. YONTEF, M. G. Gestaltterapie: Uvědomování, dialog a proces. Praha: Triton, 2009. ISBN 978-80-7387-216-8.