Obereignerů Radko, doc. PhDr. Ph.D.
Kňažek Považanová Barbora, Mgr. Ph.D.
Cakirpaloglu Panajotis, prof. PhDr. DrSc.
Kupka Martin, Mgr. Ph.D.
Course content
Individual according to the focus of the thesis topic.
Learning activities and teaching methods
Training in job and motor Skils
- Excursion
- 1 hour per semester
Learning outcomes
Students are required before a final state examination and defense of dissertation submit a dissertation in three copies. One copy is forwarded to the Department of Science FF - UP. The remaining two copies kordinátorovi DSP gives the Department of Psychology.
Students submitting work demonstrates the ability to: - work with theoretical strands at a professional level - write more scholarly text by APA publication standards - implement scientific research on a given topic in the field of psychology - analyze and interpret the data, including the results of the work in a broader context
PhD thesis is the central output of doctoral program. A dissertation is a document submitted in support of candidature for an academic degree or professional qualification presenting the author's research and findings.
Assessment methods and criteria
Formalities, though not exhaustively defined, but are similar to those theses (bachelor and master manual work can be found on the department website). In the field of psychology is expected to more than 100 pages of scientific research work (are permissible and theoretical work at publishable monograph on the topic with the countless literary references). Other specific requirements set tutor with whom you should consult your progress regularly. During your studies you may also be asked to take your plan and progress on a dissertation presented to the members of the department. The final defense is public. Proper submission deadline is the end of March. The condition for the doctorate is also publishing the results of work in the trade press (see 9VVA). Details can be found here: http://www.ff.upol.cz/skupiny/studentum/doktorske-studium/
Recommended literature
Manuál pro psaní diplomových a bakalářských prací.