Boček Ronovská Anna, Mgr. et Mgr. Ph.D.
Buček Robert, MgA. Ph.D.
Novotný Libor, MgA. Ph.D.
Novotný Libor, MgA. Ph.D.
Course content
Lecture - overview of materials and drawing techniques, perspective theory, principles of composition, theory of figure drawing - canons, overview of the history of art aimed at drawing. Seminar - basic perspective exercises - interior, exterior, principles of composition, study drawing - still life, portrait, principles of figure drawing, individual free drawing.
Learning activities and teaching methods
Grafic and Art Activities
- Preparation for the Course Credit
- 21 hours per semester
- Attendace
- 39 hours per semester
- Homework for Teaching
- 30 hours per semester
Learning outcomes
Lecture - overview of materials and drawing techniques, perspective theory, principles of composition, theory of figure drawing - canons, overview of the history of art aimed at drawing. Seminar - basic perspective exercises - interior, exterior, principles of composition, study drawing - still life, portrait, principles of figure drawing, individual free drawing.
Students will gain insight into the technology of drawing, its changes in history and develop their drawing ability, as the illusory imaging, as well as within their own artistic expression.
Interest in visual arts, drawing in particular; basic experience in drawing techniques.
Assessment methods and criteria
Analysis of Creative works (Music, Pictorial,Literary)
Active participation in seminars; set of drawings on the ordered theme, given paper, author portfolio.
Recommended literature
Böhm, F. X. (1936). Perspektiva. Č. Budějovice.
Coelová, A. (1995). Perspektiva. Perfekt, Bratislava.
SMITH, R. (2000). Encyklopedie výtvarných technik a materiálů. Slovart.
TEISSIG,K. (1990). Techniky kresby. Praha.