Konečný Karel, doc. PhDr. CSc.
Hubálek Tomáš, Mgr. Ph.D.
Course content
Topics: - Theoretical definition of Ethics as a scientific discipline (basal terminology, concepts of value, conscience, morality, good). - Specifics of (not only ethical) education and training in postmodern society. - Axiological and moral context of the educational process at present. - Professional ethics of the teacher (background, state, perspectives, code of ethics). - Ethical and moral dilemmas in the educational process. - Specifics of pedagogical communication. - Ethical education in FEP BE focused on primary school. - Forms of didactic transformation of current problems in the world into primary school curriculum.
Learning activities and teaching methods
Lecture, Monologic Lecture(Interpretation, Training), Dialogic Lecture (Discussion, Dialog, Brainstorming), Activating (Simulations, Games, Dramatization)
- Attendace
- 10 hours per semester
- Preparation for the Course Credit
- 7 hours per semester
- Semestral Work
- 10 hours per semester
Learning outcomes
To get acquainted with the basic theoretical foundations of ethics, with the concept of Ethical education as a complementary educational field in FEP BE and to present suitable didactic methods and procedures for their transformation into pedagogical practice.
At the end of the course students should be able to: "to define ethics as a science, to characterize its subject, to use and apply the basic conceptual apparatus, "understand and explain the nature of the different ethical lines, "to clarify the relationship between ethics and morality, "characterize the problems of the educational process in terms of ethics and morality, "to define the principles of professional ethical codes and their importance, "to define the concept of Ethical education in FEP BE, "to state the possibilities of didactic transformation of the curriculum according to FEP BE, "apply a suitable method of communication for educational practice, "to define the nature of ethical and moral problems in the educational process.
Basic orientation in basal literature, orientation in Ethical Educational topics according to FEP BE (CZ).
Assessment methods and criteria
Student performance
Recommended literature
Anzenbacher, A. (2004). Křesťanská sociální etika - úvod a principy. Brno: CDK.
Anzenbacher, A. (1994). Úvod do etiky. Praha: Akademie.
Göbelová, T. (2017). Profesní hodnoty a etické principy v práci učitele. Ostrava.
Hubálek, T. a kol. (2017). Vývoj občanského vzdělávání a etické výchovy v českých zemích. Praha: Epocha.
Huber, W. (2016). Základní otázky života. Praha: Dokořán.
Muchová L. (2015). Morální výchova v nemorální společnosti?. Praha.
Pelcová, N., Semrádová, I. (2014). Fenomén výchovy a etika učitelského povolání. Praha.
Sokol, J. (2014). Etika, život, instituce: pokus o praktickou filosofii.. Praha: Vyšehrad, Moderní myšlení.