Konečný Karel, doc. PhDr. CSc.
Špiner Dušan, ThMgr. Ph.D.
Hubálek Tomáš, Mgr. Ph.D.
Course content
1. Explanation of notions of individual as well as social ethics, social reality in the philosophical diskurse and the Christian social ethics - concretization in special science - theory and reality2. Modern Age - turn to human subjektivity, Enlightenment3. Particular systems - the idea of human rights and the theory of social contract - family - economics - communitarianism4. Christian social doctrine after Vatican Council II, Theology of Liberation5. Principles of personality (individual, social), humanity, legal status of a person6. Solidarity - social justice
Learning activities and teaching methods
- Homework for Teaching
- 10 hours per semester
- Attendace
- 10 hours per semester
Learning outcomes
This subject of study focuses on social ethics, on its philosophical foundations, scientific character, its history and principles, contemporary profile in the context of Modern Age. The point is the basis on which social relations of ethics are built.
Is concerned ability student understand suit modernizing, which forms new qualities social property. Find ways how to keep social integrity. Respect basic ethic standards.
Groundwork is teach student watch metamorphoses classical sociological category and put through sociologic past with present. Groundwork is fact, that one of his own act and act second people attribution moral values. Human practices attach moral meaning.
Assessment methods and criteria
Seminar Work
Written seminary work on given topic
Recommended literature
Anzenbacher, A. (2004). Křesťanská sociální etika - úvod a principy. Brno: CDK.
Anzenbacher, A. (1994). Úvod do etiky. Praha: Akademie.
Bonhoeffer, D. (2007). Etika. Praha: Kalich.
Hrehová, H. (2005). Etika - sociálne vzťahy - spoločnosť.. Bratislava: Veda-SAV.
Pieper, A., Thurnherr, U. (1998). Angewandte Ethik - Eine Einführung.. München: Verlag C.H.Beck.
Rich, A. (1994). Etika hospodářství. Praha: Oikoymenh.
TISCHNER, J. (1998). Etika solidarity. Bratislava: Kalligram.