Provázková Stolinská Dominika, doc. PhDr. Ph.D.
Vavrdová Alena, Mgr. Ph.D.
Course content
Definition of terms (terminology) of MKV (multiculturality, interculturality, multicultural education, nationality, national minority, ethnicity, stereotypes and prejudices, integration, racism, xenophobia). Culture, cultural customs and traditions of the selected country. MKV in RVP ZV (ŠVP ZV). Children with OMJ at school. Activities and activities within MKV. The influence of the media on the formation of opinions on multiculturalism.
Learning activities and teaching methods
Dialogic Lecture (Discussion, Dialog, Brainstorming), Work with Text (with Book, Textbook), Activating (Simulations, Games, Dramatization), Group work
Learning outcomes
Objectives: Students should be able to: - define and explain the concept of multiculturalism, interculturality and other concepts from the field of MKV - have basic knowledge about minorities living in the territory of the Czech Republic - to characterize important religions and to orientate in them - explain and orient oneself in the issue of integration and education of minorities in Czech schools, work with a child with OMJ - orient oneself in the issue of integration and education of minorities in selected European countries - characterize MKV as a cross-cutting theme in RVP ZV - explain the meaning and reasons for including the MKV subject in RVP ZV (ŠVP ZV)
Students will be equipped with competencies that they will acquire as a result of the content and objectives of the course.
To orient oneself in the issue of interculture.
Assessment methods and criteria
Dialog, Seminar Work
Creation of a database of organizations and projects for MKV for further use in practice. Seminar work on a selected topic (presentation, discussion). ISP students are required to attend 30% of classes.
Recommended literature
CÍLKOVÁ, E. (2011). Náměty pro multikulturní výchovu:poznáváme jiné národy. Praha.
Cílková, E. Schonerová, P. (2007). Náměty na multikulturní výchovu: poznáváme jiné národy. Praha : Portál.
CUNNINGHAM, U. (2011). Growing up with two languages: a practical guide for the bilingual family. New York.
PRŮCHA, J. (2001). Multikulturní výchova. Teorie-praxe-výzkum.. Praha.
Rámcový vzdělávací program pro základní vzdělávání. [online]. Rámcový vzdělávací program pro základní vzdělávání. [online]. Praha: MŠMT. 2021.