Provázková Stolinská Dominika, doc. PhDr. Ph.D.
Course content
1. Development of a play. 2. Framework educational programme for pre-school education. 3. Application of playing and games at pre-schools.
Learning activities and teaching methods
- Attendace
- 10 hours per semester
- Homework for Teaching
- 10 hours per semester
Learning outcomes
The student monitors the educational process in the nursery school. He acquires information about the different aplications of the game. The monitoring proceeds in a group of students in selected the classic and the alternative nursery schools. This subject is not suitable for the students from educational high schools.
Students will be provide with competences that will get to the content and objectives of the courses.
General orientation in drama education.
Assessment methods and criteria
Dialog, Analyssis of the Student's Portfolio
Students present a portfolio and feedback on practice and sitting-in on classes at pre-schools.
Recommended literature
Kolláriková, Z., & Pupala, B. (2010). Předškolní a primární pedagogika =: Predškolská a elementárna pedagogika. Praha: Portál.
KOŤÁTKOVÁ, S. (2005). Hry v mateřské škole v teorii a praxi. Praha : GRADA Publishing.
Krejčířová, D., & Langmeier, J. (2006). Vývojová psychologie. Praha: Grada Publishing.
Mazal, F., & Horáková, R. (2000). Pohybové hry a hraní. Olomouc: Hanex.