Provázková Stolinská Dominika, doc. PhDr. Ph.D.
Vaňková Alžběta, Mgr.
Miklánková Ludmila, doc. PhDr. Ph.D.
Course content
Primary movement skills: locomotor - walking, running, jumping and jumping; handling - throwing, catching, dribbling, kicking, biting, batting. The technique of their implementation, methods and procedures suitable for the acquisition of these pre-school age skills. Training for movement activities - warm up. Basic exercise shapes, their correct execution, training of the exemplary design, visual application of the method of motion contrast. Methodology of basic aerobatic skills (blades, blades) Jump: training exercises for trampolines, reflection and rebound. Bench / Shoulder: Variations of walking with accompanying arm movements, turns, equilibrium positions, jumps and jumps.
Learning activities and teaching methods
Demonstration, Training in job and motor Skils
Learning outcomes
Subject deal with scheduling and realization controlled kinetic involvement in mother's school. Aim education is learn students knowledges about technology fulfilment prime kinetic skill (locomotive and manipulation). Through practical exercising bring out gadgetry development kinetic ability and principles adoption kinetic skill near children preschool age. Subject leads to piece of knowledge about doctrinal progress basic exercise forms at education prime kinetic skill and knowledges special nomenclature. Emphasis is laying on adoption rules safeness, practical mastered right and salvages at adoption kinetic skill in preschool age.
The student focuses on the child's motor assessment, identifies the obvious causes of the errors and gives the correct correction instruction. He / she is able to observe the safety precautions when practicing without the tools, knows help and rescue. It is able to appropriately classify physical activities into day-care settings in kindergartens and applies correct didactic procedures and methods. It can demonstrate movement skills at the required level. He uses the gym nomenclature correctly.
There are no
Assessment methods and criteria
Student performance, Seminar Work, Written exam
- Active participation in teaching (80%), - Practical mastering of training exercises, training methodology, assistance and rescue in specific gymnastic skills (skill selection), - Successful mastering of the terminology test, - Seminar work: Written preparation of the instruction of the given physical skills (methodical series) including the use of professional terminology.
Recommended literature
Krištofič, J. Pohybová příprava dětí (koordinační a kondiční gymnastická cvičení). Praha: Grada, 2006..
Nitka, J. Pohybová příprava. Olomouc: UP, 1997.
Zítko, M. Kompenzační cvičení. Praha: NS, 1998..
Zítko, M. Všeobecná gymnastika (speciální učební texty). Praha: ČASPV, 2000..
Appelt, K., Libra, M., & Stejskalová, I. (2004). Základy názvosloví tělesných cvičení. Praha: Palestra.
Borová, B., Dvořáková, H., Kulhánková, E., & Toráková, S. (2000). Cvičení předškolních dětí a rodičů s dětmi. Praha: Česká asociace Sport pro všechny.
Dvořáková, H. (1995). Cvičíme a hrajeme si. Olomouc: Hanex.
Dvořáková, H., Volfová, M., & Volfová, H. (2012). Hravé cvičení: [náměty na pohybové aktivity pro děti předškolního věku. Praha: Raabe.
Miklánková, L., & Bednářová, H. (2010). Písnička si hraje s námi. Olomouc: Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci.
Miklánková, L. (2012). Tělesná výchova na 1. stupni základních škol: (základní gymnastika). Olomouc: Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci.
Miklánková, L. (2013). Základy gymnastiky: akrobacie a cvičení na nářadí (nejen) pro 1. stupeň základních škol. Olomouc: Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci.