Dömischová Ivona, PhDr. Ph.D.
Kubica Jan, Mgr. Ph.D.
Chromcová Pavla, Mgr.
Course content
Seminar covers the older as well as the younger generation of the Prague-German authors. Their works influenced significantly development of the modern world literature. P.Leppin, H.Salus,L.Winder, O.Baum, J.Urzidil,L.Perutz,L.Reinerová etc.
Learning activities and teaching methods
Dialogic Lecture (Discussion, Dialog, Brainstorming), Work with Text (with Book, Textbook)
- Homework for Teaching
- 1 hour per semester
Learning outcomes
Seminar covers the older as well as the younger generation of the Prague-German authors. Their works influenced significantly development of the modern world literature.
knowledge covering the seminar, very good language knowledge /seminar is lead in German/
papers on the authors and on themes
Assessment methods and criteria
Student performance
80% active attendance, papers on the themes and on the authors
Recommended literature
Brod, M. (1993). Pražský kruh.. Praha: Akropolis.
Brod, M. (1994). Život plný bojů. Autobiografie.. Praha: Nakl. Franze Kafky.
Fialová,Fürstová, I. (2001). Deutschböhmische Literatur.. Olomouc: VUP.
Václavek, L. (1991). Literatura v německém jazyce od naturalismu po expresionismus.. Olomouc: VUP.
Václavek, L. (1992). Literatura v německém jazyce 1914-1915.. Olomouc: UP.
Wichner, Ernest. (1995). Pražská německá literatura. Od expresionismu po exil a pronásledování.. Praha.