Dömischová Ivona, PhDr. Ph.D.
Vomáčková Olga, PhDr. Ph.D.
Course content
The content of the themes from the area Linguistics errors): - Classification of errors - 'Interlanguage' - Transfer - Interference errors in pronunciation, grammar and vocabulary - Interlingual and intralingual Interference - The most common mistakes within the German-Czech Interference Scope curriculum corresponds to the range of daily studies curriculum based on learning support. Students learn self-study material in part according to distance support, individually drawn up exercises labeled as the mainstay Übungen and checked in the key. Method of control - in the classroom and in the form of credit written test.
Learning activities and teaching methods
Dialogic Lecture (Discussion, Dialog, Brainstorming), Work with Text (with Book, Textbook)
- Homework for Teaching
- 13 hours per semester
Learning outcomes
Interference errors at the czech students of the german language: - Errors due to czech - Errors due to the similarity of words - Faux amis - Interference errors of pronunciation, grammar and vocabulary
The student is able to discuss and respond in German language in the course.
Assessment methods and criteria
Analysis of linguistic, Didactic Test
the attendance in the cours, making good a test
Recommended literature
Duden Taschenbücher. (1973). Leicht verwechselbare Wörter.. Mannheim: Bibliographisches Institut.
Hielscher, A. u. Koll. (2003). Deutsch-tschechisches Fehlerlexikon.. Praha: Kvarta.
Vomáčková, O. (2012). Sprachseminar. Typische Fehler tschechischer Deutschlerner. Olomouc.