Dofková Radka, doc. PhDr. Ph.D.
Course content
Subject content includes not only the knowledge of the mathematical definitions and propositions but the possibility to pass the knowledge to pupils with the suitable methodical form. Activity with interactive board.
Learning activities and teaching methods
Work with Text (with Book, Textbook), Methods of Written Work, Work Activities
- Homework for Teaching
- 28 hours per semester
- Attendace
- 10 hours per semester
- Preparation for the Course Credit
- 10 hours per semester
- Preparation for the Exam
- 20 hours per semester
- Semestral Work
- 12 hours per semester
Learning outcomes
The objective of the study the Elementary mathematics 1 is not only the separate knowledge of mathematical propositions and definitions but ability to teach the acquired knowledge with a suitable methodical form. Logic, number system, algebra, functions, equations, non-equations, sequence, complex numbers are the subject of Elementary mathematics 1. The aplication of mathematical definitions and mathematical propositions in geometry-plane geometry problem solution are the subject and stereometry (geometry in space). The subject was innovated according the project " Education extended professional competency (§6 vyhlášky č.317/2005 Sb.)" , reg. č. CZ.1.07/1.3.00/19.0014.
Knowledge of mathematics in range od the secondary school and bachelor study with a view to education.
Knowledge of mathematics in range od the secondary school and bachelor study with a view to education.
Assessment methods and criteria
Mark, Written exam, Student performance, Analysis of linguistic, Seminar Work
The student disposes and pass on his seminary paper describing a mathematical subject matter. 70% of marks from the total point amount are given for the written works.
Recommended literature
Hejný M., Kuřina,F. (2001). Dítě, škola a matematika.. Praha.
Krupka P. (1995). Sbírka úloh z matematiky pro 2 stupeň základních škol a nižší ročníky víceletých gymnázií.. Praha.
Polák, J. (1999). Středoškolská matematika v úlohách II. Praha.
Polák, J. (1996). Středoškolská matematika v úlohách I. Praha.
Rektorys, K. (2000). Přehled užité matematiky II. Praha.
Rektorys, K. (2000). Přehled užité matematiky I. Praha.
Tomicová J. (1999). Matematika. Přehled učiva základní školy s řešenými příklady. Praha.