Wossala Jan, Mgr. Ph.D.
Dofková Radka, doc. PhDr. Ph.D.
Laitochová Jitka, doc. RNDr. CSc.
Nocar David, Mgr. Ph.D.
Pastor Karel, doc. Mgr. Ph.D.
Zdráhal Tomáš, doc. RNDr. CSc.
Talášek Tomáš, Mgr. Ph.D.
Course content
Learning activities and teaching methods
Learning outcomes
This course provides students with an introduction to the process of writing a diploma thesis and aims to: Familiarize students with the process of writing a diploma thesis, from choosing a topic and developing a concept to formal requirements and final text production. Develop key skills in students that are necessary for successfully completing a diploma thesis: The ability to analyze and process relevant literature The ability to formulate hypotheses and research questions The ability to collect and analyze data The ability to structure text and present results The ability to adhere to academic rules and citation standards Encourage students in independent and critical thinking, even in the context of their future professional life. This course is the first step in the process of writing a diploma thesis and is followed by the course Diploma Thesis 2, where students deepen their skills and complete their diploma thesis.
Assessment methods and criteria
To successfully complete the course Diploma Thesis 1, the following requirements must be met: Active participation in seminars: Regular attendance and active engagement in discussions and activities are crucial to understanding and mastering the basic principles of writing a diploma thesis. Development and presentation of a diploma thesis concept: The student will choose a diploma thesis topic, develop a concept and present it in the form of a short presentation (approx. 10 minutes). The concept should include clearly formulated objectives, hypotheses, research questions and methods that will be used. Presentation and discussion of selected literature: The student will select and read 3-5 relevant publications on the chosen diploma thesis topic and present and discuss them with other students. The presentation should include a brief summary of the content and relevant information for writing a diploma thesis. Preparation and submission of a literature review: The student will prepare a literature review on the chosen diploma thesis topic. The review should include relevant literature in the field of the topic, comparing different views and definitions of key concepts. Submission of the first version of a chapter of the diploma thesis: The student will prepare and submit the first version of a chapter of the diploma thesis (within the range of 10-15 pages) according to the specified instructions and taking into account the comments and advice of the supervisor. All required work must be submitted on time and in the required format. The supervisor will provide students with individual guidance and consultations throughout the semester. The final course grade is based on: Active participation in seminars: 20% Presentation of diploma thesis concept: 20% Presentation and discussion of selected literature: 20% Literature review: 20% The first version of a key chapter of the diploma thesis: 20%
Recommended literature
Další literatura podle konrétního tématu DP..
Bártek, K., Kubrický, J. (2015). Pokročilé použití MS Power Point při tvorbě elektronických výukových materiálů /online/. Olomouc: VUP.
Bártek, K., Kubrický, J. (2015). Pokročilé použití MS Word při tvorbě elektronických výukových materiálů /online/. Olomouc: VUP.
CLAPHAM, CH. (1996). Concise dictionary of mathematics. Oxford university Press.
Janů, S. a kol. (2013). Bible Microsoft Office 2013 a 365: Průvodce pro každého. Zoner Press.
URDAN, T., C. (2016). Statistics in Plain English. Routledge.. Taylor & Francis Group.
Walker, I. (2012). Výzkumné metody a statistika. Grada.