Ludvík Pavel, RNDr. Ph.D.
Tomeček Jan, doc. RNDr. Ph.D.
Course content
1. Reasoning, logic and its means. 2. propositional calculus and its means. 3. Intuitive and formal logic, logical operators. 4. Syntax of propositional logic, formulae, their notation. 5. Sémantic of propositional logic, table method. 6. Rules of propositional logic, duality principle. 7. System of inference rules and axioms, proofs. 8. Elements of predicate calculus. 9. Quantifiers, rules of their use. 10. Different aspects of set theory, language of set theory. 11. Cartesian product, relations and their properties. 12. Relationships between matematical logic and set theory, Boolean algebra. 13. Elements of combinatorcs.
Learning activities and teaching methods
Lecture, Work with Text (with Book, Textbook)
- Attendace
- 26 hours per semester
- Homework for Teaching
- 25 hours per semester
- Preparation for the Course Credit
- 40 hours per semester
Learning outcomes
Understand the mathematical logic.
Comprehension Application Understand the mathematical logic. Applicate the mathematical logic at mathematics as well as in standard practice.
Knowledge of mathematics of secondary school.
Assessment methods and criteria
Written exam
Credit: the student has to pass two written tests (i.e. to obtain at least half of the possible points in each test).
Recommended literature
J. Rachůnek. (1986). Logika. Skriptum UP Olomouc.
M. Závodný. (2009). Úvod do matematiky. Olomouc.
P. Jirků, J. Vejnarová. (2000). Logika - Neformální výklad základů formální logiky. Praha.