Course: Foundations of Mathematics

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Course title Foundations of Mathematics
Course code KMA/SZZAM
Organizational form of instruction no contact
Level of course Bachelor
Year of study not specified
Semester Winter and summer
Number of ECTS credits 0
Language of instruction Czech
Status of course Compulsory
Form of instruction Face-to-face
Work placements This is not an internship
Recommended optional programme components None
  • Machalová Jitka, doc. RNDr. Ph.D., MBA
Course content
1. Systems of linear equations, existence of uniqueness of solutions, numerical methods, extension to infinite dimension. 2. Eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a matrix, symmetrical matrices, general matrices, numerical methods, extension to infinite dimension. 3. Differential calculus for functions of single and several variables. 4. Integration for functions of single and several variables, numerical methods. 5. Unconstrained optimization, local extrema of functions of single and several variables, numerical methods. 6. Graphs and networks, their representation and properties, basic graph algorithms. 7. Random variables, basic distributions, marginal and conditional distribution, convergence of a random variable. 8. Data structures, sorting and search.

Learning activities and teaching methods
Work with Text (with Book, Textbook)
Learning outcomes
Realize contexture of basic conceptions and statements concerning basic mathematical disciplines.
Synthesis Realize contexture of basic conceptions and statements concerning probability theory and statistics.
The student has to meet all prerequisites given for the bachalor tudy course Applied Mathematics and all the conditions of Study and Examination Regulations of the Palacký University in Olomouc.

Assessment methods and criteria
Oral exam

the student has to understand the subject
Recommended literature
  • Bhargava, A. Y. (2016). Algorithms.
  • Čermák L., Hlavička R. (2016). Numerické metody. Brno.
  • Hron K., Kunderová P., Vencálek O. (2018). Základy pravděpodobnosti a metod matematické statistiky. Olomouc.
  • Jukl, M. (2013). Lekce z lineární algebry. Olomouc.
  • Kopáček, J. (2007). Matematická analýza nejen pro fyziky (III). Praha.
  • Kopáček, J. (2015). Matematická analýza nejen pro fyziky (II). Praha.
  • Kopáček, J. (2016). Matematická analýza nejen pro fyziky (I). Praha.
  • Machalová, J., Netuka, H. (2013). Nelineární programování: Teorie a metody. Olomouc.
  • Machalová, J., Netuka, H. (2013). Numerické metody nepodmíněné optimalizace. Olomouc.
  • Manber, U. (1989). Introduction to Algorithms. A creative approach.
  • Newman, M. E. (2010). Networks: An Introduction.

Study plans that include the course
Faculty Study plan (Version) Category of Branch/Specialization Recommended year of study Recommended semester
Faculty: Faculty of Science Study plan (Version): Applied Mathematics - Specialization in Business Mathematics (2021) Category: Mathematics courses 3 Recommended year of study:3, Recommended semester: Summer
Faculty: Faculty of Science Study plan (Version): Applied Mathematics - Specialization in Industrial Mathematics (2020) Category: Mathematics courses 3 Recommended year of study:3, Recommended semester: Summer
Faculty: Faculty of Science Study plan (Version): Applied Mathematics - Specialization in Data Science (2020) Category: Mathematics courses 3 Recommended year of study:3, Recommended semester: Summer