1. Fundamentals of psychology - introduction. Mental process, mental content, mental state. 2. Experience, behavior, action. 3. Consciousness: Function, dissociation, unconsciousness, altered states of conciousness, sleep, dreaming. 4. Attention. 5. Cognitive processes: Senzoric processes, perception, memory, learning, thinking. 6. Emotions: Emotional behavior, properties of emotions, functions of emotions. 7. Motivation: approach to motives, sorts of motives. 8. Human communication: Interaction, communication process, symmetric and complementary communication, nonverbal communication, double bind. 9. Personality: Structural, dynamic and developmental aspects of personality, abilities, intelligence, character, will. 10. Self-concept, self-management, defensive mechanisms, attitudes, values, prejudice. 11. Transactional analysis: Structural analysis - parent, adult, child. Analysis of transactions, skript analysis, games and their analysis, manipulation in action.
Monologic Lecture(Interpretation, Training), Dialogic Lecture (Discussion, Dialog, Brainstorming), Demonstration, Activating (Simulations, Games, Dramatization)
- Attendace
- 26 hours per semester
- Preparation for the Exam
- 35 hours per semester
- Homework for Teaching
- 25 hours per semester
Berne, E. (1992). Jak si lidé hrají (Games people play). Liberec, Dialog, 2. vyd.
R. Atkinsonová, R. Atkinson a kol. (1995). Psychologie. Victoria Publishing, Praha.
V. Smékal. (2002). Pozvání do psychologie osobnosti. Člověk v zrcadle vědomí a jednání.. Brno, nakl. Barrister a Principal.
Z. Vybíral. (2000). Psychologie komunikace. Portál, Praha.