Pavlačka Ondřej, RNDr. Ph.D.
Course content
1. Classification of risk. 2. History and development of the insurance sector in the world and in our country. 3. Insurance and its characterization. 4. Social insurance. Pension funds. 5. Commercial insurance. Classification of insurance products. 6. Insurance policy. Inception, 8. Intensity of insurance protection and forms of insurance. 9. Premium - classification, principles of its calculation. 10. Life insurance - basic characteristics. interruption and expiry of a policy. 7. Insurance benefit. 11. Forms of life insurance contracts. 12. Non-life insurance - basic characteristics. Insurance of persons.
Learning activities and teaching methods
- Attendace
- 39 hours per semester
- Semestral Work
- 30 hours per semester
- Preparation for the Course Credit
- 30 hours per semester
- Homework for Teaching
- 20 hours per semester
Learning outcomes
Gain fundamental knowledge about insurance. Get acquainted with life insurance and insurance of persons.
Knowledge Gain fundamental knowledge of insurance system.
Basic knowledge of insurance products is an advantage.
Assessment methods and criteria
Written exam, Seminar Work
Credit: Elaboration and presentation of a chosen topic.
Recommended literature
Platná legislativa v oblasti pojišťovnictví..
Ducháčková, E., Daňhel, J. (2010). Teorie pojistných trhů. . Praha.
Ducháčková, E. (2015). Pojištění a pojišťovnictví. Praha.
Ducháčková, E. (2009). Principy pojištění a pojišťovnictví. . Praha.