Rachůnková Irena, prof. RNDr. DrSc.
Vodák Rostislav, RNDr. Ph.D.
Course content
Boundary conditions for ordinary differential equations. Classical and Carathéodory theory. Operator forms of boundary value problems. Green functions. Resonance. Fredholm operators. Fixed point theorems and their application. A priori estimates of solutions. Lower and upper functions method. Topological degree. Generalized inversion. Leray-Schauder type theorems. Impulsive boundary value problems. Boundary value problems with singularities in time variable and in phase variables. Functional boundary value problems.
Learning activities and teaching methods
Dialogic Lecture (Discussion, Dialog, Brainstorming), Work with Text (with Book, Textbook)
Learning outcomes
Master given tools of the functional analysis, topology, theory of differential equations and dynamical systems for investigation of boundary value problems.
Application Demonstrate a good orientation ín the theory of boundary value problems and in methods of their investigation.
Master's degree in mathematics.
Assessment methods and criteria
Oral exam
Exam: to know and to understand the subject
Recommended literature
A.Granas, R.B. Guenther, J. Lee. (1985). Nonlinear Boundary Value Problems for Ordinary Differential Equations. Polish Scientific Publ. Warszawa.
A.Granas, R.B. Guenther, J. Lee. Some General Existence Principles in the Catathéodory Theory of Nonlinear Differential Systems. J. Math. Pures et appl. 70 (1991), 153-196.
D. O'Regan. (1997). Existence Theory for Nonlinear Ordinary Differential Equations. Kluwer, Dordrecht.
D. O'Regan. (1994). Theory of Singular Boundary Value Problems. World Scientific, Singapore.
I.T. Kiguradze, B.L. Shekhter. (1987). Singular Boundary Value Problems for Ordinary Second Order Differential Equations. ) INT 30, Moscow.
I.T. Kiguradze. (1987). Boundary Value Problems for Systems of Ordinary Differential Equations. INT 30, Moscow.
N. I. Vasiljev, Ju. A. Klokov. (1978). Základy teorie okrajových úloh ODR. Zinatne, Riga.
S. Fučík, A.Kufner. (1978). Nelineární diferenciální rovnice. SNTL, Praha.
S. Fučík. (1980). Solvability of Nonlinear Equations and Boundary Value Problems. JČMF.