1. Basic economic concepts: repeating of macro and microeconomic concepts. 2. Basic economic concepts: production factors of a firm - means of one-time consumption, means of a progressive consumption and labour force, property structure of a firm, balance sheet. The theory completed with particular examples. 3. Business: firm and its kinds. The theory completed with the specific examples with references to the corresponding law. 4. Kinds of firms: profit-making organizations and nonprofit corporations, state-owned company, basic attributes of a private business, basic attributes of a co-operative. The theory completed with the specific examples with references to the corresponding law. 5. Kinds of firms: understanding to the basic attributes and differences between personal (co- partnerships, limited partnerships) and capital (limited liability companies, public limited companies) trading companies; the most importance enterprise licence - trades. The theory completed with the specific examples with references to the corresponding law. 6. Firm activities: firm activities survey, supply characteristic, sense of supply, kinds of supplies, supply planning, marketing activities (choice of a supplier), examples. 7. Supply: conclusion of a contract of purchase, transport, storage (logistics), examples. 8. Investment activity: understanding to the sense of a firm investment activity - equipment of a firm with the fixed assets, kinds and sense of the fixed assets for a firm, ways of purchase, valuation and usage of the fixed assets, examples. 9. Investment activity: efficiency of investments, use of the fixed assets, production capacity of the existing fixed assets, evaluation of investment possibilities, examples. 10. Investment activity: depreciation of the fixed assets - book and tax depreciation, examples. 11. Investment activity: retirement of the fixed assets (from the usage), examples. 12. Personell: basic concepts, planning of the number of employees, acquirement a choice of employees, examples. 13. Personell: foundation, changes and ending of employment, charge of employees, collective agreement, employee documentation, examples.