Pavlačka Ondřej, RNDr. Ph.D.
Navrátil Boris, Ing. CSc.
Zlámal Jaroslav, Ing. Ph.D.
Course content
1. Microeconomics - an introduction to microeconomic analysis. 2. Utility theory and analysis of consumer behaviour. 3. Analysis of company behaviour in perfect competition, analysis of expenses and revenues. 4. Analysis of profit, equilibrium at the level of maximal profit. 5. Analysis of company behaviour in imperfect competition, analysis of expenses and revenues. 6. Analysis of factors of production - labour, capital goods and nature sources. 7. Analysis of the general equilibrium - efficiency of production, efficiency of trade, the aggregate efficiency.
Learning activities and teaching methods
- Attendace
- 39 hours per semester
- Preparation for the Exam
- 60 hours per semester
- Preparation for the Course Credit
- 20 hours per semester
Learning outcomes
Gain fundamental knowledge of microeconomics
Knowledge Gain fundamental knowledge of microeconomics
Assessment methods and criteria
Mark, Oral exam, Student performance
Credit: passing a written test. Exam: oral.
Recommended literature
B. R. Schiller. (2004). Mikroekonomie dnes.. Brno, Computer Press.
L. Macáková a kol. (2002). Mikroekonomie. Základní kurs.. Slaný, Melandrium.
M. PARKIN. (2005). Economics. 6th European ed.(with Melanie Powel and Kent Mattheus). Pearson Education United Kingdom.
N. G. Mankiw. (1999). Zásady ekonomie.. Praha, Grada.
P. SAMUELSON, W. NORDHAUS. (1992). Economics. McGraw-Hill.
R. Holman. (1999). Ekonomie. Praha, C. H. Beck.
V. Jurečka, I. Jánošíková a kol. (2005). Mikroekonomie. Učební text pro bakalářské studium.. Ostrava, VŠB-TUO.
V. Jurečka, O. Březinová a kol. (2000). Mikroekonomie. Základní kurs.. Ostrava, VŠB-TUO.
V. Jurečka. (2005). Úvod do ekonomie (učební text pro studenty neekonomických oborů). EKF VŠB-TU Ostrava.
V. Jurečka. (1999). Základy ekonomie.. VŠB-TU Ostrava.