Machala Libor, doc. RNDr. Ph.D.
Course content
Definition of signals, theory of signals and transfer systems Fourier analysis of deterministic signals and impulses and their practical executions Fourier analysis in a domain with continuous time and in discrete systems, algorithm of fast Fourier transform Properties of Fourier transform, convolution and Fourier spectrum Laplace and Hilbert transform Correlation of deterministic signals Properties of linear and nonlinear transfer systems Characteristic functions and quantities of stochastic processes and their realizations, errors in their estimations Power spectra of stochastic processes and their realizations Transmission of stochastic signal via linear systems Effect of noise on signals Digital signals and their transmission Digital transfer systems, their error rate and modeling
Learning activities and teaching methods
Learning outcomes
The main aim is to learn theoretical aspects of signal transfer and processing. Attention is paid to understanding of Fourier transform as a tool for description of signals in spectral domain.
Students will have overview about transfer aspects of signals and ways of their proccessing. Students will be familiarized with Fourier transform, properties of linear transfer systems, noises, and digital signals.
Assessment methods and criteria
Oral exam
Requirements in the range of sylabus of the lecture. Emphasis is placed to understanding of the term Fourier Transform.
Recommended literature
Angot, A. (1972). Užitá matematika pro elektrotechnické inženýry. SNTL Praha.
Bajcsy, J.; Vítovec, J. (1988). Telemetria a prenos údajov. Alfa Bratislava a SNTL Praha.
Bogr, J.; Čajka, J.; Šebesta, V. (1975). Teorie přenosu zpráv. SNTL Praha.
Ertinger, Z.; Sklenář, J. (1980). Signály a soustavy. VUT Brno.
Hoffner, V. (1987). Úvod do teorie signálů. SNTL Praha.
Levin, B.R. (1965). Teorie náhodných procesů a její aplikace v radiotechnice. SNTL Praha.
Pospíšil, J. (1994). Analýzy a přenosové aspekty signálů. UP Olomouc.
Uhlíř, J., Sovka, P. (2002). Číslicové zpracování signálů. ČVUT Praha.
Yeung, R.W. (2002). A First Course in Information Theory. Springer. New York, USA.
Young, P.H. (1985). Electronic communication techniques. Ch.E.Merrill Publ. Comp. and Bell - Howel Comp. Columbus.