Course: Didactics of Health Promotion and Health Education

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Course title Didactics of Health Promotion and Health Education
Course code KAZ/PNDZ@
Organizational form of instruction Lecture + Lesson
Level of course Master
Year of study 2
Semester Winter
Number of ECTS credits 4
Language of instruction Czech
Status of course Compulsory
Form of instruction Face-to-face
Work placements This is not an internship
Recommended optional programme components None
  • Cichá Martina, doc. Mgr. Ph.D.
  • Hřivnová Michaela, doc. Mgr. Ph.D.
  • Heiderová Hana, PhDr. PhD.
Course content
System of curricular documents - Framework Educational Programmes (FEP) for ISCED 0-ISCED 3 (FEP for Primary Education, FEP for Basic Education, FEP for Secondary General Education, FEP for Secondary Technical and Vocational Training); FEP for Basic Education - objectives and concept of Health Education, expected outcomes and subject matter of the educational field of Health Education, time subvention for HE; working with and using the documents Standards for Basic Education - Health Education and Methodical Commentaries and Tasks for Standards for Basic Education - Health Education. FEP for the educational field of Nursing Assistant with the accent on education in an area of health education - in the general educational area and Education for Health (Health Education) and specialized (profile) educational field of Basics for Providing Nursing Care. (Public Health Protection and Disease Prevention and Health Education); School Educational Programmes for medical schools with the accent on education in the area of health education. Objectives and concept of teaching the health prevention and health promotion subjects, expected outcomes and subject matter. Didactic transformation of the educational content in the educational area of Health Education. Didactic principles. Teaching methods and forms, accent on the activating methods. Preparation for a lesson, structure, and phases of a lesson. Learning tasks. Coursebooks and other study materials. Material-didactic means. Evaluation of students and their examination in the health education lessons. Teacher's personality in health education. Specifics of communication in health education. Topics for exercising - SEP analysis; group work - division of students into groups; rules and communication HE lessons; presentation of the prepared model lessons on chosen HE topics - self-reflection and reflection on the student's performance, etc. The focus is on practicing the students' crucial pedagogical and didactic abilities/skills in model situations. Students are encouraged to practice self-reflection and self-evaluation.

Learning activities and teaching methods
Monologic Lecture(Interpretation, Training), Dialogic Lecture (Discussion, Dialog, Brainstorming), Activating (Simulations, Games, Dramatization)
  • Homework for Teaching - 10 hours per semester
  • Attendace - 39 hours per semester
  • Attendace - 8 hours per semester
  • Semestral Work - 10 hours per semester
  • Preparation for the Exam - 15 hours per semester
  • Homework for Teaching - 40 hours per semester
Learning outcomes
After passing the course, students should be able to: - Sum up the concept of health education and health promotion in the curricular documents ISCED 0-ISCED 3 with the accent on ISCED 2 (Framework Educational Programme for Basic Education -the educational area Humans and Health and the educational field Health Education - documents Standards for Basic Education - Health Education and Methodical Commentaries and Tasks for Standards for Basic Education - Health Education), - Sum up the information about the competencies and expected outcomes reached by students after passing the compulsory basic education (with respect to the educational field of Health Education). Determine what can be improved (in which areas can be continued) during the upper secondary education. - Analyze the Framework Educational Programme for the educational field of Health a Assistant, with respect to the concept of health promotion and health education, - Specify the educational objectives and key competencies with respect to health promotion and health education or with respect to the development of health literacy, - Explain the expected outcomes in the general educational area and Education for Health (Health Education) and specialized (profile) educational field of Basics for Providing Nursing Care. (Public Health Protection and Disease Prevention and Health Education), - Sum up the subject matter in the general educational area and Education for Health (Health Education) and specialized (profile) educational field of Basics for Providing Nursing Care. (Public Health Protection and Disease Prevention and Health Education), - Implement the cross-curricular subjects and interdisciplinary relations in the topics of health prevention and health promotion, - Analyze the School Educational Programme(s) with respect to the topics of health prevention, - Sum up the specifics of the didactic transformation of the educational content in the educational area of Health Education, - Formulate the educational objectives/goals correctly (cognitive, affective, and psychomotor) for the educational areas of Health Education and the crucial, as same as partial, topics of the field, - Consider the usage of didactic principles with respect to the educational area of Health Education; - Define the most frequently used teaching methods and forms of health education and apply them in model situations, - Analyze suitable coursebooks and other materials for the teaching of health education, - Use the material-didactic means for the teaching of health education, - Design a lesson plan including the chronometry, use the classic (traditional) lesson model as same as the ERR lesson model (Evocation, Realisation of Meaning and Reflection), - Classify and apply the suitable learning tasks for health education, - Specify the possible way to evaluate student's performance (including the educational results) in the educational area of Health Education, - Consider the requirements (professional, didactic, and personal) on a teacher in a profile area of Health Education, - Acquire the didactic competence for the realization of the teaching of the health education disciplines at vocational schools.
They are acquiring didactic competence in the area of health promotion and health education.
Knowledge of the general and school didactics.

Assessment methods and criteria
Mark, Oral exam, Student performance, Seminar Work, Written exam

Full-time study: Oral exam or written one (verification of acquired knowledge), active participation in seminars (minimum of 80% attendance), elaboration of a final paper on the given topic (condition of obtaining the credits), presentation of the prepared model HE lesson, self-study - preparation for the exam. Part-time study: Oral exam or written one (verification of acquired knowledge), active participation in tutorials, study of the recommended sources, elaboration of a final paper on the given topic (condition of obtaining the credits), presentation of the prepared model HE lesson (brief version), self-study - preparation for the exam.
Recommended literature
  • ČELEDOVÁ, Libuše a ČEVELA, Rostislav. Výchova ke zdraví: vybrané kapitoly. Praha: Grada, 2010. 126 s. ISBN 978-80-247-3213-8..
  • FRIDRICHOVÁ, M., HŘIVNOVÁ, M., KUBRICHTOVÁ, L., PANOŠOVÁ, O., TUPÝ, J. 2015. Standardy pro základní vzdělávání ? Výchova ke zdraví. Praha: MŠMT a NÚV, 2015. 18 s. Dostupné na:
  • GINNIS, Paul. Efektivní výukové nástroje pro učitele: strategie pro zvýšení úspěšnosti každého žáka = The teacher's toolkit: raise classroom achievement with strategies for every learner. První vydání. [Praha]: ve spolupráci s nakladatelstvím Martina Romana a projektem Čtení pomáhá vydala EDUkační LABoratoř, z.s., [2017], ?2017. xxiii, 365 stran. ISBN 978-80-906082-6-9..
  • GRECMANOVÁ, Helena a URBANOVSKÁ, Eva. Aktivizační metody ve výuce, prostředek ŠVP. Vyd. 1. Olomouc: Hanex, 2007. 178 s. Edukace. ISBN 978-80-85783-73-5..
  • HŘIVNOVÁ, M. a kol. Stěžejní aspekty výchovy ke zdraví. Olomouc: UP, 2010. ISBN 978-80-244-2503-0..
  • HŘIVNOVÁ, M. Lexikon dobré praxe ? výchova ke zdraví a zdravému životnímu stylu v mateřské škole. Brno: Občanské sdružení Anabell, 2013. ISBN 978-80-905436-2-1. Studijní opora..
  • KOTRBA, T., LACINA, L. Aktivizační metody ve výuce: příručka moderního pedagoga. 3. vyd. Brno: Barrister & Principal, 2015. 185 s. ISBN 978-80-7485-043-1..
  • KREJČÍ, M. et al. Výchova ke zdravému životnímu stylu: pro 2. stupeň ZŠ a odpovídající ročníky víceletých gymnázií. 1. vydání. Plzeň: Fraus, 2017. svazky. ISBN 978-80-7489-358-2..
  • KREJČÍ, M. Strategie výuky duševní hygieny: výchova ke zdraví ve škole. 1. vyd. V Českých Budějovicích: Jihočeská univerzita, 2011. 256 s. ISBN 978-80-7394-262-5..
  • KREJČÍ, M., ŠULOVÁ, L., ROZUM, F., HAVLÍKOVÁ, D. Výchova ke zdravému životnímu stylu. Učebnice. Plzeň: Fraus, 2011. ISBN 978-80-7238-930-8..
  • MACHOVÁ, Jitka a kol. Výchova ke zdraví. 2., aktualizované vydání. Praha: Grada, 2015. 312 stran. Pedagogika. ISBN 978-80-247-5351-5..
  • MARÁDOVÁ, E. Metodická příručka ? Výchova ke zdraví, Školní vzdělávací program. Praha: Fortuna, 2006..
  • MARÁDOVÁ, E. Zdravý životní styl ? Výchova ke zdraví ? pracovní sešit pro 6. - 9. ročník základních škol ? AUTORSKÁ ŘEŠENÍ. Praha: Fortuna, 2004..
  • MARÁDOVÁ, E. Zdravý životní styl ? Výchova ke zdraví ? pracovní sešit pro 6. - 9. ročník základních škol. Praha: Fortuna, 2004..
  • MARÁDOVÁ, E. 2014. Vybrané kapitoly z didaktiky výchovy ke zdraví. 1. vyd. Praha: Karolinum, 2014. 80 s. ISBN 978-80-7290-662-8..
  • OBST, O. Obecná didaktika. 2. vydání. Olomouc: Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci, 2017. 176 stran. ISBN 978-80-244-5141-1..
  • Rámcový vzdělávací program pro obor vzdělávání 53-41-M/01 - Zdravotnický asistent. 2008. Praha: Ministerstvo školství, mládeže a tělovýchovy a Národní ústav odborného vzdělávání, 2008. Dostupné na www:
  • Rámcový vzdělávací program pro základní vzdělávání (verze platná od 1. 9. 2013). [online]. Ministerstvo školství, mládeže a tělovýchovy, 2013. 140 s. Dostupné na www: vzdelavaci-program-pro-zakladni-vzdelavani..
  • Rámcový vzdělávací program pro základní vzdělávání. Verze platná od 1. 9. 2016. (2016). Dostupné z http: //
  • Rámcový vzdělávací program pro základní vzdělávání. Verze platná od 1. 9. 2017. (2017). Dostupné z http: //
  • SKALKOVÁ, J. Obecná didaktika: vyučovací proces, učivo a jeho výběr, metody, organizační formy vyučování. 2., rozš. a aktualiz. vyd.,[V nakl. Grada] vyd. 1. Praha: Grada, 2007. 322 s. Pedagogika. ISBN 978-80-247-1821-7..
  • SLAVÍK, J., JANÍK, T., NAJVAR, P., KNECHT, P. Transdisciplinární didaktika: o učitelském sdílení znalostí a zvyšování kvality výuky napříč obory. 1. vydání. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, Pedagogická fakulta, 2017. 455 stran. Syntézy výzkumu vzdělávání; svazek 3. ISBN 978-80-210-8568-8..
  • STUCHLÍKOVÁ, I. & JANÍK, T. et al. Oborové didaktiky: vývoj, stav, perspektivy. 1. vydání. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2015. 465 stran. Syntézy výzkumu vzdělávání; svazek 2. ISBN 978-80-210-7769-0..
  • TUPÝ, J. (Ed.), HŘIVNOVÁ, M., MARÁDOVÁ, E. 2016. Metodické komentáře a úlohy ke Standardům pro základní vzdělávání. Výchova ke zdraví. Praha: NÚV, 2016. 140 s. Dostupné na:
  • KOVAŘÍKOVÁ, Miroslava a MARÁDOVÁ, Eva. (2020). Didaktika výchovy ke zdraví a bezpečí v kontextu kurikulární reformy a učitelského vzdělávání.. Praha: Univerzita Karlova, Pedagogická fakulta.

Study plans that include the course
Faculty Study plan (Version) Category of Branch/Specialization Recommended year of study Recommended semester
Faculty: Faculty of Education Study plan (Version): Teaching Professional Courses for Nursing Schools (NA24) Category: Pedagogy, teacher training and social care 2 Recommended year of study:2, Recommended semester: Winter
Faculty: Faculty of Education Study plan (Version): Teaching Professional Courses for Nursing Schools (NA23) Category: Pedagogy, teacher training and social care 2 Recommended year of study:2, Recommended semester: Winter
Faculty: Faculty of Education Study plan (Version): Teaching Professional Courses for Nursing Schools (NA22) Category: Pedagogy, teacher training and social care 2 Recommended year of study:2, Recommended semester: Winter
Faculty: Faculty of Education Study plan (Version): Teaching Professional Courses for Nursing Schools (NA21) Category: Pedagogy, teacher training and social care 2 Recommended year of study:2, Recommended semester: Winter
Faculty: Faculty of Education Study plan (Version): Teaching Professional Courses for Nursing Schools (NA20) Category: Pedagogy, teacher training and social care 2 Recommended year of study:2, Recommended semester: Winter
Faculty: Faculty of Education Study plan (Version): Teaching Professional Courses for Nursing Schools (NA19) Category: Pedagogy, teacher training and social care 2 Recommended year of study:2, Recommended semester: Winter