After passing the course, students should be able to: - Apply the knowledge of didactics, pedagogical diagnostics, psychology, and other related fields of study, - During the preparation for lessons, work with pedagogical documentation, - Determine the teaching strategy, suggest suitable methods and procedures, - Recognize student's personality, including the possible behavior problems, and suggest a solution to those situations, - Know the duties of a class teacher, - Evaluate the results of students, - During teaching, use coursebooks and other teaching aids, - Design a project for cross-curricular subjects realization, - Reflect on the results of the lessons they performed, - Analyze and evaluate the observations, using the templates, - Carry out teaching aims and learning tasks taxation based on the observations and lessons they performed. Elaborate the teaching portfolio according to the requirements, - Synthesize the knowledge from the pedagogical competence module and the teaching practice experiences, - Verify if the theoretical knowledge from pedagogical and psychological disciplines and subject didactics relate to the experiences from the pedagogical practice, - Reflect on the personal experience gained from the teaching practice based on the observations and lessons performed, - Compare their ideas about the profession with the teaching reality and other teachers' experience/opinions, - Deduce pros of other teacher's approaches and styles usable in their lesson performances, - Evaluate the learners' behavior and possible behavior problem solving, - Sort out, explain and evaluate the phenomena which occurred during the teaching practice, - Carry out a self-reflection in the context of the course Continuous Practice 1 and 2, - Consider the importance of the teaching practice for the formation of their pedagogical competencies.
After passing the course, students should be able to: - Apply the knowledge of didactics, pedagogical diagnostics, psychology, and other related fields of study, - During the preparation for lessons, work with pedagogical documentation, - Determine the teaching strategy, suggest suitable methods and procedures, - Recognize student's personality, including the possible behavior problems, and suggest a solution to those situations, - Know the duties of a class teacher, - Evaluate the results of students, - During teaching, use coursebooks and other teaching aids, - Design a project for cross-curricular subjects realization, - Reflect on the results of the lessons they performed, - Analyze and evaluate the observations, using the templates, - Carry out teaching aims and learning tasks taxation based on the observations and lessons they performed. Elaborate the teaching portfolio according to the requirements, - Synthesize the knowledge from the pedagogical competence module and the teaching practice experiences, - Verify if the theoretical knowledge from pedagogical and psychological disciplines and subject didactics relate to the experiences from the pedagogical practice, - Reflect on the personal experience gained from the teaching practice based on the observations and lessons performed, - Compare their ideas about the profession with the teaching reality and other teachers' experience/opinions, - Deduce pros of other teacher's approaches and styles usable in their lesson performances, - Evaluate the learners' behavior and possible behavior problem solving, - Sort out, explain and evaluate the phenomena which occurred during the teaching practice, - Carry out a self-reflection in the context of the course Continuous Practice 1 and 2, - Consider the importance of the teaching practice for the formation of their pedagogical competencies.
BARTOŇOVÁ, M., PIPEKOVÁ, J. Manuál pro pedagogickou praxi: teorie a praxe. Brno: MU, 2011. ISBN 978-80-210-5497-4..
ČESKO. Zákon č. 561/2004 Sb. o předškolním, základním, středním, vyšším odborném a jiném vzdělávání (školský zákon), ve znění pozdějších předpisů..
ČESKO. Zákon č. 563/2004 Sb., o pedagogických pracovnících a o změně některých zákonů, ve znění pozdějších předpisů..
HRABAL, V., PAVELKOVÁ, I. Jaký jsem učitel. Praha: Portál, 2010. ISBN 978-80-7367-755-8..
PODLAHOVÁ, L. První kroky učitele. Praha: Triton, 2004. ISBN 80-7254-474-8..
Rámcové vzdělávací programy pro příslušný stupeň vzdělávání.
Školní vzdělávací program konkrétní školy.
VAŠŤATKOVÁ J., GRECMANOVÁ, H. (eds.). Případové studie I. a II Olomouc: Votobia, 2007/8..