Cichá Martina, doc. Mgr. Ph.D.
Hřivnová Michaela, doc. Mgr. Ph.D.
Vránová Věra, Mgr. Ph.D.
Marciánová Vladislava, Mgr. Ph.D.
Sofková Tereza, PhDr. Ph.D.
Course content
1. anatomy and physiology of the female genital organs 2. anatomy and physiology of the male genital organs 3. ontogenetic development of male and female reproductive system 4. developmental abnormalities of female and male reproductive system 5. menstrual cycle and ovulatory women. 6. disorders of the menstrual cycle 7. intimate hygiene and menstrual women 8. intimate hygiene man 9. Prevention of unwanted pregnancy - methods and forms of contraception 10. appropriate contraception for teens 11. risky sexual behavior - sexually transmitted diseases (Syphilis, Gonorrhoea, trichomonázy, chlamydia, HPV, hepatitis B and C, HIV / AIDS, etc.) 12. possible solutions unplanned pregnancy, abortion issues. 13. possible solutions unplanned pregnancy, foster care, baby-box? 14. sexual abuse, forms, speeches, legislation 15. the issue of partnerships, the hierarchy of family relations 16. parenting, rights and duties of parents 17. choice of partner, factors influencing the choice of life partner 18. development of sexual behavior, the issue of monogamy and polygamy 19. the issue of pornography, production, distribution 20. promiscuous behavior and prostitution.
Learning activities and teaching methods
Lecture, Monologic Lecture(Interpretation, Training), Dialogic Lecture (Discussion, Dialog, Brainstorming), Projection (static, dynamic), Activating (Simulations, Games, Dramatization)
- Attendace
- 26 hours per semester
- Homework for Teaching
- 10 hours per semester
- Semestral Work
- 10 hours per semester
- Preparation for the Exam
- 35 hours per semester
Learning outcomes
The course presents in detail the issues in the given field, introduces methods used in teaching the subject at schools. anatomy and physiology of the female genital organs 2. anatomy and physiology of the male genital organs 3. ontogenetic development of male and female reproductive system 4. developmental abnormalities of female and male reproductive system 5. menstrual cycle and ovulatory women. 6. disorders of the menstrual cycle 7. intimate hygiene and menstrual women 8. intimate hygiene man 9. Prevention of unwanted pregnancy - methods and forms of contraception 10. appropriate contraception for teens 11. risky sexual behavior - sexually transmitted diseases (Syphilis, Gonorrhoea, trichomonázy, chlamydia, HPV, hepatitis B and C, HIV / AIDS, etc.) 12. possible solutions unplanned pregnancy, abortion issues. 13. possible solutions unplanned pregnancy, foster care, baby-box? 14. sexual abuse, forms, speeches, legislation 15. the issue of partnerships, the hierarchy of family relations 16. parenting, rights and duties of parents 17. choice of partner, factors influencing the choice of life partner 18. development of sexual behavior, the issue of monogamy and polygamy 19. the issue of pornography, production, distribution 20. promiscuous behavior and prostitution.
Acquiring knowledge of factors affecting reproductive health, particularly adolescents. Creation of adequate attitudes to reproductive health and sexuality.
Passing somatology disciplines
Assessment methods and criteria
Mark, Written exam, Seminar Work
Active participation in seminars (mandatory participation 80%), working an assigned project and presentation of the project within classes. Submission in the form of PowerPoint presentation and MSWord document as seminar paper.
Recommended literature
AIDS care. Časopis.
Sexuológia. Odborný časopis.
V., Zvěřina J. (2004). Vše o sexu - sexuologie a sexuální praxe pro každého. Praha.
Barták A. (2006). Antikoncepce. Praha, Grada Publishing.
DIAMOND, J. Proč máme rádi sex? Evoluce lidské sexuality. Praha: Academia, 2003.
Fafejta, M. (2004). Úvod do sociologie pohlaví a sexuality. Věrovany: Nakladatelství Jan Piskiewicz 2004..
Fajt, T. (2009). Antikoncepce.. Praha.
FLAHERTY - ZONIS, C. Úvod do sexuality. New York, Sorosova nadace, 1997.
Hořejší, J. (2003). Gynekologické problémy u děvčátek a dospívajících dívek. Praha: Grada.
CHALKE, S. Umíte se s dětmi bavit o sexu? Praha: Albatros, 2002.
Kunová V. (2005). Zdravá výživa a hubnutí. Praha.
Machová J., Marádová, E., Klementa, J. (1998). Základy sexuální výchovy. Praha.
-Mašlová J. (2005). Pohlavní život neboli odpovědi na otázky, které si kladeš. Slovart.
Pekárková, M., Primusová, H., Uzel, R. a kol. (2000). Potrat ano - ne. Praha: Grada.
Šulová, L., Fait, T., & Weiss, P. (2011). Výchova k sexuálně reprodukčnímu zdraví. Praha: Maxdorf.
Uzel R. (1999). Antikoncepční kuchařka aneb cesty k sexuálnímu zdraví. Praha, Grada.
Weiss, P, Zvěřina J. (2001). Sexuální chování v ČR - situace a trendy. Praha, Portál.
Zvěřina J. (2003). Sexuologie (nejen) pro lékaře. Praha, CERM.