Dobešová Pavla, Mgr. Ph.D.
Cichá Martina, doc. Mgr. Ph.D.
Course content
Basic terminology concerning human nutrition. Human nutrition as bio-psycho-social, cultural and spiritual framework - human nutrition determinants and influencing factors. Forming of nutritional preferences and aversions during ontogeny. Contemporary nutrition and diet problems of Czech citizens and the nutrition specifics concerning the particular population groups - infant, toddler, pre-schooler, school-aged child, adolescent, adult, senior, pregnant and nursing women, sportsmen. Diet regime. Standard and alternative types of diet (vegetarianism, veganism, macrobiotics etc.). Diet and health - preventive impact of a healthy diet on various diseases (cardiovascular diseases, cancerous diseases, obesity, metabolic syndrome, diabetes type II. and others) eating disorders (anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, binge eating disorder, orthorexia, bigorexia, drunkorexia - prevention and possible interventions. Healthy diet concerning educational institutions, school canteens, market basket. Programmes and projects supporting the healthy diet and forming of healthy nutrition habits.
Learning activities and teaching methods
Lecture, Monologic Lecture(Interpretation, Training), Dialogic Lecture (Discussion, Dialog, Brainstorming), Work with Text (with Book, Textbook), Projection (static, dynamic)
- Preparation for the Exam
- 19 hours per semester
- Attendace
- 6 hours per semester
- Homework for Teaching
- 10 hours per semester
- Preparation for the Course Credit
- 15 hours per semester
Learning outcomes
After passing this course students will be able to understand the basic nutrition terminology and the meaning of holistic approach to human nutrition, the evolution of nutritional behaviour in various contexts and define the principles of rational nutrition and healthy way of eating according to contemporary diet recommendations. They will be also able to understand the impact of society and culture on nutrition and diet in various countries (cultures). Students should be also able to assess both the quantitative and qualitative nutrition requirements during the ontogenetic development (also including the specific population groups). During the lesson they should be informed about important aspects of etiopathogenesis, therapy and mainly about eating disorders and other illnesses and diseases connected to nutrition and diet. The course will also focus on the principles of nutrition and diet at educational institutions and on programmes and projects supporting the healthy diet and nutrition habits.
After passing this course students should be able to: - Explain the basic terminology (nutrition, diet, nourishment, comestible, food), - Explain the importance of bio-psycho-social, cultural and spiritual approach to human nutrition, - Specify the nutritional behaviour development based on various factors (including forming of nutritional preferences and aversions), - Define the principles of healthy diet a nutrition according to contemporary diet recommendations, including the diet regime and plan, - Describe the standard and alternative types of diet in our country and also abroad, - Assess the quantitative and qualitative requirements during the ontogenetic development (infant, toddler, pre-schooler, school-aged child, adolescent, adult, senior) and specific population groups (pregnant and nursing women, sportsmen etc.), - Explain the meaning of etiopathogenesis, therapy and the eating disorders prevention (and also prevention of diseases which are connected to eating disorders) - allergy, celiachia, diabetes, non-infectious epidemic, civilization diseases, food poisoning), - Show their knowledge concerning possible eating disorders during adolescence and suggest various ways of prevention and possible intervention, - Summarize the principles of nutrition and diet at educational institutions, evaluate the importance of the school nutrition programme in the Czech republic, - Summarize programmes and projects supporting the healthy diet and nutrition habits.
Assessment methods and criteria
Mark, Student performance
At least 80 % attendance recommended. Credit requirements: seminar work focusing on a particular topic concerning nutrition and diet using at least 3 relevant Czech sources and 3 relevant foreign sources (in the original version) with citation. Minimal length - 5 - 8 pages A4 format. Seminar work defence via a powerpoint presentation during the seminar. Test (min. score 75%). Exam requirements: oral exam - see the Content.
Recommended literature
FRAŇKOVÁ, S., DVOŘÁKOVÁ-JANŮ, V. Psychologie výživy a sociální aspekty jídla. Praha: UK, 2003. ISBN 80-246-0548-1..
GREGORA, M., ZÁKOSTRLECKÁ, D. Jídelníček kojenců malých dětí. Praha: Grada, 2014. ISBN 978-80-247-4773-6..
HRNČÍŘOVÁ, D. a kol. Výživa a zdraví. Praha: Ministerstvo zemědělství, odbor bezpečnosti potravin, 2013. ISBN 978-80-7434-109-0..
HRONEK, M. Výživa ženy v obdobích těhotenství a kojení. Praha: Maxdorf, 2004..
HŘIVNOVÁ, M. Lexikon dobré praxe ? výchova ke zdraví a zdravému životnímu stylu v mateřské škole. Studijní opora. Brno: Občanské sdružení Anabell, 2013. ISBN 978-80-905436-2-1..
HŘIVNOVÁ, M. Základní aspekty výživy. Studijní opora. Olomouc: UP, 2014. ISBN 978-80-244-4034-7..
KLIMEŠOVÁ, I., STELZER, J. Fyziologie výživy. Olomouc: UP, 2013. ISBN 978-80-244-3280-9..
KOPECKÝ, M., KIKALOVÁ, K., BEZDĚKOVÁ, M., HŘIVNOVÁ, J., MAJEROVÁ, J. Somatologie. Olomouc: UP, 2010. ISBN 978-80-244-2271-8..
KUNOVÁ, V. Zdravá výživa. Praha: Grada Publishing, 2004. ISBN 80-247-0736-5..
Výživa a potraviny ? časopis České společnosti pro výživu. ISSN 1211-846X..