Cichá Martina, doc. Mgr. Ph.D.
Course content
1. Introduction into the issues of human sexuality. Anthropology of sexuality and its usage in teaching practice. 2. Human sexuality as an incredibly complex phenomenon, conditioned biologically, psychically, socially, culturally and spiritually. 3. Sexuality as an object of research. 4. The development of human sexuality. Phylogenetically and ontogenetically conditioned mechanisms of human sexuality. 5. Sexuality as reproductive behaviour. 6. Sexuality as non-reproductive behaviour. 7. Biological and medical aspects of human sexuality. 8. Psychological, sociological, cultural, religionist and politological connections of human sexuality. Cultural varieties of sexual behaviour. 9. Sexual symbolism. Exhibited sexuality and taboo sexuality. 10. Sexuality in arts and media. 11. Minor sexuality and inclusive education. 12. Pedagogical and methodological relations of anthropology of sexuality.
Learning activities and teaching methods
Dialogic Lecture (Discussion, Dialog, Brainstorming), Work with Text (with Book, Textbook), Methods of Written Work, Observation, Demonstration, Projection (static, dynamic), Activating (Simulations, Games, Dramatization)
- Attendace
- 24 hours per semester
- Semestral Work
- 20 hours per semester
- Homework for Teaching
- 5 hours per semester
Learning outcomes
The objective of the subjects is to deepen the personal and social specialization, and mainly the methodical ability of future teachers, related to the field of human sexuality and the knowledge about it, as it is a very complex phenomenon, which cannot respectably be perceived from a different than biological-medical, psychological, social, cultural or spiritual point of view and also in each other's context. Via various suitable teaching methods, especially activity methods (see below), the students will learn to work with heterogenous groups of pupils (with connection to biological sex, gender background, forming sexual orientation of pupils, their age, but also their so far knowledge and experience in that field, various hobbies, motivation, etc.) and in the context of inclusive education. The instruction will be interactive and its main objective will be to connect the theory and the practice, which means teaching students to apply the acquired pieces of methodology knowledge in the educational reality. By means of seminars and workshops, and with the maximum engagement of students in the partial activities (individual and group work, e.g. with the handouts, dialogical, theatrical methods, single case studies, etc.), positive influence on students' attitudes and teaching them to furthermore influence their future pupils (that means teaching them to accentuate the importance of the reproduction health protection at the individual as well as social level, and also the need for tolerance of individualities and uniqueness in connection to human sexuality) will be aimed at.
After attending this course, the students: - Wil be able to understand the human sexuality in complex connections biological, social, cultural and spiritual; - Will be able to intervene in favour of "minor sexualities" in the context of inclusive education; - Will be convinced about the need of suitable strategies, leading to reinforcing the reproduction health, with respect to group and individual differences in sexual behaviour of people; - Will master suitable activity methods, processes and techniques; the students will be able to use them actively in their teaching practice
Primarily intended for the students of Teaching health education for lower-secondary schools students are obliged to parallelly attend a course with focus on the subject methodology, e. g. NPD1Q Methodology of health education 1.
Assessment methods and criteria
Student performance, Seminar Work
As a part of credit requirements, the attendance and an active participation at the seminars and workshops will be required. The main outcome of the seminar will be a seminar paper on a chosen topic connected to the content of the course, with the usage of 3 described methods/techniques, where the target group are lower-secondary school pupils, and also the future teachers of health education.
Recommended literature
Didaktika praktického vyučování zdravotnických předmětů.
Cichá, M., Dorková, Z. (2006). Didaktika praktického vyučování zdravotnických předmětů 1. Olomouc.
Cichá, M., Dorková, Z. (2017). Didaktika praktického vyučování zdravotnických předmětů 2. Olomouc: Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci.
Fafejta, M. Sexualita a sexuální identita: sociální povaha přirozenosti.
Fafejta, M. (2004). Úvod do sociologie pohlaví a sexuality. Věrovany: Nakladatelství Jan Piskiewicz 2004..
FIFKOVÁ, H, WEISS P. a kol. (2008). Transsexualita a jiné poruchy pohlavní identity. Praha.
Foucault M. Dějiny sexuality I. Praha: Herrmann a synové, 1999..
Giddens, A., & Možný, I. (2012). Proměna intimity: sexualita, láska a erotika v moderních společnostech. Praha: Portál.
Kozáková, Z. (2004). Sexualita a sexuální výchova osob s mentálním postižením v podmínkách zařízení sociální péče. In Sexualita mentálně postižených.. Praha : Centrum denních služeb.
Malina J. a kol. http://is.muni.cz/do/sci/UAntrBiol/el/encykl-sexuality/index.html.
NEDBÁLKOVÁ K. Spoutaná rozkoš (re) produkce genderu a sexuality v ženské věznici. Praha: SLON, 2006..
Obst, O. (2006). Didaktika sekundárního vzdělávání. Olomouc.
Ridley, M., & Konvička, M. (2007). Červená královna: [sexualita a vývoj lidské přirozenosti]. Praha: Portál.
ROTTER H. (2003). Sexualita a křesťanská morálka. Praha.
Šteigl, J. (2003). Přínos antropologie a antropologů k objektivizaci hodnotového systému dnešního člověka. In Sborník "Integrální pohled na člověka", s. 7-10. Olomouc.
Štěrbová, D. (2007). Sexualita osob s mentálním postižením. Olomouc: Univerzita Palackého.
Vrhel, F. (2002). Antropologie sexuality: sociokulturní hledisko. Brno: Masarykova univerzita v Brně, Nakladatelství a vydavatelství NAUMA.
Weis a kol. Sexuologie. Grada.
Zvěřina J. (2003). Sexuologie (nejen) pro lékaře. Praha, CERM.