Course content
Company's entry into international markets, commercial contracts, international transactions and payments; variability of participation in foreign markets, capital investment in foreign markets, exporting and importing companies: characteristics of specifics; electronic commerce; bound operations (compensations, offsets, trade of intangible goods; purchase contract and its implementation; implementation of a specific business case, pricing in international trade, rights and obligations of a seller and a buyer, the subject of a purchase contract and its conclusion; documents used in international trade; delivery periods and conditions, payment arrangements, risks in international trade market and their insurance.
Learning activities and teaching methods
Lecture, Training in job and motor Skils
- Attendace
- 6 hours per semester
- Homework for Teaching
- 15 hours per semester
- Preparation for the Exam
- 15 hours per semester
- Semestral Work
- 30 hours per semester
Learning outcomes
The aim of the course is to present principles of international trade.
The ability to implement a business case with foreign countries.
Completion of the course International Business 1 (KAE/MO1).
Assessment methods and criteria
Seminar Work
The course ends with an examination. The condition for completing the course is 77% attendance. Passing an oral exam including a discussion on presented seminar paper, form: combined, evaluation: grade.
Recommended literature
BALAŠ, Vladimír, ŠTURMA, Pavel. (1997). Kurs mezinárodního ekonomického práva. C.H.Beck Praha.
Cihelková E. et al. (2004). Mezinárodní ekonomie. Oeconomia Praha.
JANATKA, František, et al. (2004). Obchod v rámci Evropské unie a obchodní operace mimo členské země EU. ASPI Praha.
Klínský P. (1998). Cvičení a příklady z ekonomiky mezinárodního obchodu : učebnice pro střední odborné a vyšší odborné školy a pro veřejnost. Fortuna Praha.
MACHKOVÁ, Hana, SATO, Alexej, ZAMYKALOVÁ, Miroslava. (2002). Mezinárodní obchod a marketing : praktická výkladová encyklopedie. Grada Publishing, Praha.
SVATOŠ, M. (2009). Zahraniční obchod. Teorie a praxe. Praha.
Zamykalová, M. (2003). Mezinárodní obchodní jednání. Praha: Professional Publishing.