Waisser Pavel, Mgr. Ph.D.
Course content
1. Technology excurs: plaster techniques 2. Florence, culture and politics, creating of the new style 3. Rome, papacy, the beginning of mannerism 4. Europe of the 16th century, reformation and counter-reformation, humanism 5. Local centres of mannerism, international mannerism 6. Migration of artists and craftmen 7. Czech lands in the 16th century, political and religious conditions 8. Art centres and periferies in Czech lands in the 16th century 9. Renaissance wall painting in Bohemia and Moravia 10. Renaissance sgraffito in Bohemia and Moaravia
Learning activities and teaching methods
Lecture, Projection (static, dynamic)
- Semestral Work
- 16 hours per semester
- Attendace
- 26 hours per semester
Learning outcomes
Seminar concerns the culture-historical aspects and arts in 15th and 16th century Europe. Accent was put on the 16th century. The single lectures outline points and locations (Florence, Rome, Venice, Buda, Nurenberg, Fontainebleau etc.) which are important for the renaissance art in European context and which determinated conditions for the development of the renaissance art in Czech lands with the special interest in the problematics of plaster techniques.
Deeper knowledge of the field of study.
The finished bachelor degree of the History of Art.
Assessment methods and criteria
Student performance, Analysis of Creative works (Music, Pictorial,Literary), Dialog
Kolokvium realizované formou rozpravy na zvolené téma, jež vyplývá ze samostatné písemné práce vypracované během semestru; docházka nejméně 80 %
Recommended literature
Fučíková, E. (ed.). Rudolf II. a Praha. Císařský dvůr a rezidenční město jako kulturní a duchovní centrum střední Evropy. Praha - London - Milano 1997..
G. Campbell (ed.). (2009). The Greove Encyclopedia of Northern Renaissance Art 1-3. Oxford.
H. Dáňová - J. Klípa - L. Stolárová (eds.). (2008). Slezsko - země Koruny České: historie a kultura 1300-1740. Praha.
J. Smith. (2004). The Northern Renaissance. London.
Preiss, P. Panoráma manýrismu. Kapitoly o umění a kultuře, Praha 1974..