Horáček Martin, doc. PhDr. Ph.D.
Course content
This course informs about the care of the artifacts in situ. Students will learn and use basic concepts (monument, monument preservation, conservation value), get familiar with the ways of selecting sites and understand their historical conditionality, understand criteria of selection and assessment (tangible vs. intangible, artistic vs. historical, movable vs. immovable), recognize the different levels and scopes of protection, theoretical approaches relevant to the Central European situation, legal norms and international conventions on the protection of cultural heritage. Basic topics: 1. Terms and notions of the preservation of cultural heritage 2. History of the conservation movement 3. Preservation of cultural heritage legislation 4. The importance of the preservation of cultural heritage 5. Cultural heritage in the educational system
Learning activities and teaching methods
- Homework for Teaching
- 20 hours per semester
- Preparation for the Exam
- 44 hours per semester
- Attendace
- 26 hours per semester
Learning outcomes
The aim of the course is to introduce students to the problems of cultural heritage protection.
After completing the course, students should be able to use the basic concepts of conservation. They should be able to: - Explain how the artifacts of cultural heritage are collected, preserved and presented - Describe in their own words the content of the Convention on the Protection of World Cultural and Natural Heritage - Explain the system of care for artifacts in situ - Use the basic concepts of conservation - Argue in favor of the protection of cultural and natural heritage - Discuss the stages and the optimal scope of protection of cultural heritage
Assessment methods and criteria
Written knowledge exam. Seminar paper on a current case of a monument preservation in the area of residence of the student. Scope: 5 standard pages + 40 pictures attached. Analysis of the problem (endangered monument) and possible solutions.
Recommended literature
DVOŘÁK, Max. (2004). Katechismus památkové péče.. Praha: Národní památkový ústav.
Horáček, Martin. (2015). Úvod do památkové péče. Olomouc: Vydavatelství UP.
POLÁKOVÁ, Jana (ed.). (2004). Mezinárodní dokumenty o ochraně kulturního dědictví.. Praha: Národní památkový ústav.
RIEGL, Alois. (2003). Moderní památková péče.. Praha: Národní památkový ústav.
SITTE, Camillo. (1995). Stavba měst podle uměleckých zásad.. Praha: ABF.
WAGNER, Václav. (2005). Umělecké dílo minulosti a jeho ochrana.. Praha: Národní památkový ústav.