Information on study programme

» Categories of Branches/Specializations » Medical sciences
Faculty Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry (LEF)
Study programme Pathology and Forensic Medicine (P0912D350115)
Branch of study / Specialization Pathology and Forensic Medicine (5103V000/CZ - 2021)
Level of acquired qualification Doctoral
Form of study Full-time
Standard length of study 4 years
Number of ECTS credits 240
Qualification awarded Doctor (8)
Access to further studies The doctoral degree is the highest possible level of education in Czech education system.  
Type of completion State Doctoral Examination and dissertation defense.
Study and Examination Code URL
Faculty coordinator for international students
Raška Milan, prof. Mgr. MUDr. Ph.D.
Phone: +420585632015
Key learning outcomes Pathology (from Greek pathos, feeling, pain, suffering; and logos, study of) is the study of the processes underlying disease with focus on causes, mechanism of disease and consequent tissue and organ changes. The main used methods in pathology are autopsy, histology, cytology, fluorescent and electron mickroscopy, recently also methods of molecular pathology and genetics. The primary goal of pathology is the study of the four main aspects of a disease: etiology (what causes the disease), pathogenesis (the mechanism by which a certain etiological factor causes disease), morphologic changes (the structural changes induced in the cells, tissues and organs), clinical significance (the functional consequences of the morphologic changes). Currently, the main interest of pathology are civilisation disorders (cardio-cerebro- vascular disorders, metabolic disorders, infectious disorders and tumours). Forensic pathology is concerned with determining cause of disorders or deaths usually for civil or criminal law cases (trauma, intoxication, suffocation etc.). Important part of forensic pathology is reviweing lege-artis or non-lege artis processes during health care.
Specific admission requirements unspecified
Specific provisions for recognition of prior learning unspecified
Qualification requirements and regulations unspecified
Profile of the programme academical
Persistence requirements unspecified
Occupational profiles of graduates with examples academical
Branch of study / Specialization guarantor Kolář Zdeněk, prof. MUDr. CSc.
1. year Undetermined year
Winter Summer Winter Summer
DSPL/AC001 (15)
DSPL/A010 (0)
DSPL/AC020 (15)
DSPL/A990 (0)
DSPL/AC040 (8)
Sum of ECTS credits
for compulsory courses 38
The student can choose the courses from the following course offer beyond their study obligations.
DSPL/B903 (10)
DSPL/B994 (20)
DSPL/B008 (2)
DSPL/B006 (2)
DSPL/B901 (10)
DSPL/B010 (2)
DSPL/B003 (2)
DSPL/B017 (2)
DSPL/B950 (8)
DSPL/B021 (2)
DSPL/B004 (2)
DSPL/B001 (2)
DSPL/B002 (2)
DSPL/B009 (2)
DSPL/B007 (2)
DSPL/B005 (2)
DSPL/C008 (2)
DSPL/C003 (1)
DSPL/C002B (2)
DSPL/C032 (15)
DSPL/C065 (5)
DSPL/C060 (5)
DSPL/C009 (2)
DSPL/C007 (2)
DSPL/C001 (2)
DSPL/C002A (2)
DSPL/C061 (10)
DSPL/C031 (30)
DSPL/C021 (80)
DSPL/C004 (1)
DSPL/C062 (15)
DSPL/C040 (8)
DSPL/C010 (2)
DSPL/C005 (2)
DSPL/C050 (5)
DSPL/C064 (10)
DSPL/C011 (2)
Sum of ECTS credits
for compulsory courses 0
Student chooses optional courses so that the number of ECTS credits for optional courses totals: 30.
DSPL/AC210 (25)
Sum of ECTS credits
for compulsory courses 25
From the following group of courses and from the list of optional courses student has to register for sufficient number of courses so that the sum of their ECTS credits is 5
DSPL/BC389 (20)
DSPL/BC381 (20)
DSPL/BC392 (20)
DSPL/BC388 (20)
DSPL/BC390 (20)
DSPL/BC391 (20)
DSPL/BC386 (20)
DSPL/BC387 (20)
DSPL/BC380 (20)
Sum of ECTS credits
for compulsory courses 0
Student chooses optional courses so that the number of ECTS credits for optional courses totals: 30.
Total 60 credits Total 60 credits
Total 240 credits