Information on study programme

» Categories of Branches/Specializations » Medical sciences
Faculty Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry (LEF)
Study programme Imaging Methods (P0914D350003)
Branch of study / Specialization Imaging Methods (5103V000/CZ - 2021)
Level of acquired qualification Doctoral
Form of study Combined
Standard length of study 4 years
Number of ECTS credits 240
Qualification awarded Doctor (8)
Access to further studies The doctoral degree is the highest possible level of education in Czech education system.  
Type of completion State Doctoral Examination and dissertation defense.
Study and Examination Code URL
Faculty coordinator for international students
Raška Milan, prof. Mgr. MUDr. Ph.D.
Phone: +420585632015
Key learning outcomes The doctoral study program Imaging Methods includes radiology and nuclear medicine. Radiology includes classical radiodiagnostics, ultrasound examination, CT, MR, angiographic methods and interventional radiology methods. Nuclear medicine is based on using radioisotopes and the images produced by them for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. The program also deals with the study of changes in the body caused by the application of radiological and radiotherapeutic procedures.
Specific admission requirements unspecified
Specific provisions for recognition of prior learning unspecified
Qualification requirements and regulations unspecified
Profile of the programme academical
Persistence requirements unspecified
Occupational profiles of graduates with examples academical
Branch of study / Specialization guarantor Heřman Miroslav, prof. MUDr. Ph.D.