Key learning outcomes
The aim of the doctoral study program in the field of Internal Medicine is a thorough mastery of the principles of scientific research with the acquisition of the ability of independent research work, i.e. setting the goal and hypothesis of the problem, preparing their own data for statistical analysis and critical evaluation of acquired knowledge in light of current knowledge. The natural goal of the program is also teach the ability of oral and written presentation of the achieved results at important professional forums and in renowned periodicals, including their application in clinical practice. DSP in Internal Medicine is focused on diagnostics, etiopathogenesis, clinical picture, prognosis and therapy of internal diseases, including its sub-fields. It builds on the knowledge of theoretical and preclinical disciplines, emphasizes the development of scientific thinking and deepening students' theoretical knowledge and practical skills not only in internal medicine but also in related disciplines, such as pathological anatomy, medical genetics, molecular biology, immunology and immunogenetics, proteomics, radiodiagnostics, nuclear medicine, clinical pharmacology, etc.