Monologic Lecture(Interpretation, Training), Dialogic Lecture (Discussion, Dialog, Brainstorming), Demonstration, Training in job and motor Skils, Group work
The course is designed as a theoretical and practical set, it is a necessary basis for the performance of the profession of paramedic in the inpatient parts of intensive care units and emergency departments. It introduces students to the most common conditions that lead to the hospitalization of a patient in intensive care, to the implementation of the nursing process in intensive care, to the ways of communicating with a patient with a serious health impairment and/or in immediate danger of life, and to the communication with long-term patients in danger of life. The course teaches the implementation of the nursing process in resuscitation and intensive care for patients of all age groups who are experiencing failure of basic life signs or are at risk of failure of basic life signs. The course is taught in accordance with the latest principles of healthcare delivery and professional knowledge. The course is closely related to the subject of emergency medicine, where students acquire knowledge in the emergency care of patients in acute and critical conditions.
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