Danosová Marinella, Mgr. DiS.
Ošlejšek Petr, Ing. Ph.D.
Course content
Main topics: 1. Water rescue 2. Legislation, prevention and tactics 3. Basics of hydrology, special types of rescue 4. Diving basics 5. Water rescue as a sport 6. Spinal injuries and salvage in water 7. Entrance tests, special swimming preparation for rescue of drowning (ZT) 8. Working with ropes, control of vessels 9. Diving basics, aids 10. Techniques of approach to toning, grasping and balancing the drowning 11. Lifeguard Techniques 12. Toning Transport Techniques 13. Techniques of drawing water from the water 14. Personal intervention, aids 15. Specifics of intervention in spinal injuries 16. First aid to save the drowning
Learning activities and teaching methods
Dialogic Lecture (Discussion, Dialog, Brainstorming), Observation, Demonstration, Training in job and motor Skils
Learning outcomes
Professional training is taught to teach and practice controlling techniques to rescue toning, water transport, and first aid, lifeguard defense technicians. Its aim is to extend the knowledge of providing pre-medical first aid in the aquatic environment. It follows the subjects "Physical Education" and "First Aid"; is at the same time a demonstration of the interoperability of the IRS components.
After completing the professional training III. - Rescue in water will be students: - know the issue of Water Rescue Service and its sorting in the rescue chain - apply knowledge in a crisis situation - to know the competencies of the individual components of the IRS
Assessment methods and criteria
Written exam, Student performance, Didactic Test, Systematic Observation of Student
100% attendance at the exercise. Completion of final test requirements from theory and practice.
Recommended literature
Bydžovský, J. (2008). Akutní stavy v kontextu. Praha:Triton.
Ertlová, F. (2003). Přednemocniční neodkladná péče. Brno: Národní centrum ošetřovatelství a nelékařských zdravotnických oborů.
GREAVES, I., PORTER, K. (2007). Pre-hospital care. New York.
Miler, T. (1999). Záchranář - bezpečnost a záchrana u vody. Praha: VZS ČČK.
Vilášek, J. (2009). Krizové řízení.. Praha.