Dráč Pavel, doc. MUDr. Ph.D.
Course content
Main topics of the course: 1) Basic concepts, IRS, legislation, first aid call, first aid strategy, liability, first aid breakdown - first aid, technical first aid, pre-hospital professional assistance, hospital care. 2) Communication with the disabled, specifics of communication in children. 3) Consciousness and its disorders, consciousness, first aid in adults and unconscious children. 4) Spasms and convulsions in adults. Specifics of convulsions in children. 5) Immediate resuscitation, CPR algorithm according to current ERC guidelines, age and situation specifics, AED usage options. 6) Specifics of resuscitation of pregnant women, specifics of resuscitation of children and new-borns using the Basic Life Support algorithm according to valid Guidelines of the European Resuscitation Council. 7) Shock and anti-shock measures in adults and children. 8) Removal and transport of the disabled without aids and aids (Rautek manoeuvre), positioning of affected persons (Rautek manoeuvre, Flower position, auto-transfusion position). 9) First aid for various types of haemorrhage, for bleeding from the body openings (bleeding and its arrest in adults and children). 10) First aid for various types of wounds in adults and children (mechanism of formation, wounds with foreign bodies). 11) First aid in thermal injury to adults and children (burns, frostbite, overheating, hypothermia, acid burning, electric shock). 12) First aid for poisoning - CO, drugs, alcohol, fungi, lye, acids in adults and children. 13) Bandages and dressing techniques - basic types of dressings, meaning, principles, purpose, division, attachment of dressings. 14) First aid in head, spine, abdomen, chest, pelvis in adults and children. 15) First aid in injuries to joints, muscles, fractures in adults and children. 16) First Aid for emergencies of ear-nose-throat and eyes in adults and children. 17) First aid for toning in adults and children (specifics of toning in saltwater and freshwater). 18) First aid for acute respiratory insufficiency, chest pain in adults. Suffocation specifics in children. 19) CPR practical training. 20) First Aid for Poisoning and Excessive Drug Use in Children and Adults. 21) Manual pharmacy.
Learning activities and teaching methods
Monologic Lecture(Interpretation, Training), Dialogic Lecture (Discussion, Dialog, Brainstorming), Demonstration, Training in job and motor Skils, Activating (Simulations, Games, Dramatization)
Learning outcomes
The aim of the course is to acquire theoretical knowledge and practical skills for basic and extended emergency first aid, to get acquainted with their legislative framework and organizational structure (Integrated Rescue System), to provide information on the specifics of providing pre-hospital first aid for various types of injuries and acute conditions, practical training of the algorithm in the given situation and the individual execution of individual performances in the most common types of injuries and conditions.
After completion of the course students will be able to: - define basic concepts of first aid; - know general principles, division, tactics and first aid strategy for adults and children, criminal responsibility for failure to provide first aid, call for first aid - communicate with family, doctor; - know the specifics of communication in children; - know basic types of dressings, their meaning, principles, purpose, division; - apply bandages; - demonstrating rescue, positioning, and removal of the affected person (Rautek maneuver, Flower position, aut-otransfusion position, special positions). - apply AED, CPR, resuscitation specifics in pregnant women, children and new-borns using the Basic Life Support algorithm according to the valid Guidelines European Resuscitation Council Demonstrate first aid (PP) at: - shock, shock conditions in adults and children, - consciousness disorders in adults and children, - convulsions and convulsions in adults and children, - acute respiratory insufficiency, breast pain in adults, childhood specific features, - bleeding in adults and children, - toning in adults and children (specifics of toning in saltwater and freshwater), - poisoning of adults and children (medications, fungi, acids, alkalis, CO, solvents, alcohol, antifreeze), - different types of wounds in children and adults, - injury of head, chest, spine and spinal cord injury, abdominal, adult and childish pelvis, - thermal injury of adults and children (burns, heatstroke, frostbite, hypothermia, acid burns, electric shock) - emergencies of the ear-nose-throat and eyes in adults and children, - injuries to joints, muscles, fractures in adults and children
Entry of Anatomy (OPD / DSA01) and Pediatric Nursing Practices (OSE / DSB04).
Assessment methods and criteria
Mark, Oral exam, Student performance, Didactic Test
Passing lectures, seminars, 80% attendance at the seminar, successful completion of the subject according to the requirements of the teachers (written, orally).
Recommended literature
(2017). Základy první pomoci. Praha: Český červený kříž.
Bernatová, E. (2016). První pomoc: děti v dopravě. Praha: Český červený kříž.
Bossaert, L. a kol. Kardiopulmonální resuscitace a automatizovaná externí defibrilace: manuál kurzu KPR/AED: podle doporučení ERC 2010.
Bydžovský, J. (2011). Předlékařská první pomoc. Praha: Grada.
Hasík, J., a kol. Standardy první pomoci.
HOUŠKOVÁ, Štěpánka. (2012). Obecné zásady předlékařské první pomoci. Praha: Hipokampus.
Janota, T. Šok a kardiopulmonální resuscitace.
Kelnarová, J., Sedláčková, J., Toufarová, J., & Číková, Z. (2007). První pomoc I: pro studenty zdravotnických oborů. Praha: Grada Publishing.
Kelnarová, J., Sedláčková, J., Toufarová, J., Číková, Z., & Kelnarová, E. (2007). První pomoc II: pro studenty zdravotnických oborů. Praha: Grada Publishing.
Matek, J. a kol. První pomoc pro bakaláře.
Psennerová, S. (2007). Praktická cvičení z první pomoci. Ostrava: Ostravská univerzita v Ostravě.
PSENNEROVÁ, Sabina. (2012). Kardiopulmonální resuscitace v postupech. Ostrava: Ostravská univerzita v Ostravě.
Tomanová, J., Kopecký, M. Úrazy a první pomoc u dětí.
Truhlář, A. a kol. (2021). Doporučené pro resuscitace ERC 2021: Souhrn doporučení.