Faculty programmes: CMF

» List of faculties
Study programme name(Code) Code Level of acquired qualification Form of study Number of ECTS credits Standard length of study Detail
Religious Education (B0221A300001) B0221A300001 Bachelor Combined 180 3 Bachelor, Combined, 180 credits, 3 years
unspecified (B0114A300137) B0114A300137 Bachelor Full-time 180 3 Bachelor, Full-time, 180 credits, 3 years
Social and Spiritual Determinats of Health (P0288D230001) P0288D230001 Doctoral Combined 240 4 Doctoral, Combined, 240 credits, 4 years
International social and humanitarian work (B0923P240008) B0923P240008 Bachelor Full-time 180 3 Bachelor, Full-time, 180 credits, 3 years
Catholic Theology (M0221A100001) M0221A100001 Undergraduate Master Full-time 300 5 Undergraduate Master, Full-time, 300 credits, 5 years
Ethics and Culture in Media Communication (B0288A100002) B0288A100002 Bachelor Full-time 180 3 Bachelor, Full-time, 180 credits, 3 years
Ethics and Culture in Media Communication (B0288A100002) B0288A100002 Bachelor Combined 180 3 Bachelor, Combined, 180 credits, 3 years
Social work with children and youth (B0923P240011) B0923P240011 Bachelor Combined 180 3 Bachelor, Combined, 180 credits, 3 years
unspecified (N0221P100001) N0221P100001 Postgraduate Master Part-time 120 2 Postgraduate Master, Part-time, 120 credits, 2 years
Social work (B0923P240006) B0923P240006 Bachelor Combined 180 3 Bachelor, Combined, 180 credits, 3 years
Social work (N0923P240001) N0923P240001 Postgraduate Master Full-time 120 2 Postgraduate Master, Full-time, 120 credits, 2 years
Catholic Theology (P0221D100009) P0221D100009 Doctoral Full-time 240 4 Doctoral, Full-time, 240 credits, 4 years
Applied psychotherapy and innovations in social work (N0923P240002) N0923P240002 Postgraduate Master Full-time 180 3 Postgraduate Master, Full-time, 180 credits, 3 years
Social Politics and Social Work (N6731) N6731 Postgraduate Master Full-time 120 2 Postgraduate Master, Full-time, 120 credits, 2 years
unspecified (N0111A19aaaa) N0111A19aaaa Postgraduate Master Full-time 120 2 Postgraduate Master, Full-time, 120 credits, 2 years
Christian Thought (P0221D100007) P0221D100007 Doctoral Full-time 240 4 Doctoral, Full-time, 240 credits, 4 years
Applied psychotherapy and innovations in social work (N0923P240002) N0923P240002 Postgraduate Master Combined 180 3 Postgraduate Master, Combined, 180 credits, 3 years
Theology (B0221A100015) B0221A100015 Bachelor Part-time 180 3 Bachelor, Part-time, 180 credits, 3 years
unspecified (N0221P100001) N0221P100001 Postgraduate Master Full-time 120 2 Postgraduate Master, Full-time, 120 credits, 2 years
unspecified (WM901) WM901 Lifelong learning Combined 6 1 Lifelong learning, Combined, 6 credits, 1 years
Social and Spiritual Determinats of Health (P0288D230002) P0288D230002 Doctoral Combined 240 4 Doctoral, Combined, 240 credits, 4 years
Catholic Theology (P0221D100010) P0221D100010 Doctoral Full-time 240 4 Doctoral, Full-time, 240 credits, 4 years
Social work with children and youth (B0923P240011) B0923P240011 Bachelor Full-time 180 3 Bachelor, Full-time, 180 credits, 3 years
unspecified (B0111A19aaaa) B0111A19aaaa Bachelor Full-time 180 3 Bachelor, Full-time, 180 credits, 3 years
Theological Studies (N0221A100005) N0221A100005 Postgraduate Master Combined 120 2 Postgraduate Master, Combined, 120 credits, 2 years
Catholic Theology (M0221A100001) M0221A100001 Undergraduate Master Full-time 300 5 Undergraduate Master, Full-time, 300 credits, 5 years
Catholic Theology (P0221D100009) P0221D100009 Doctoral Combined 240 4 Doctoral, Combined, 240 credits, 4 years
unspecified (N0111A19aaaa) N0111A19aaaa Postgraduate Master Combined 120 2 Postgraduate Master, Combined, 120 credits, 2 years
Teaching Religion at Lower Secondary Schools (N0114A300025) N0114A300025 Postgraduate Master Combined 120 2 Postgraduate Master, Combined, 120 credits, 2 years
Social and Spiritual Determinats of Health (P0288D230001) P0288D230001 Doctoral Full-time 240 4 Doctoral, Full-time, 240 credits, 4 years
Social and Spiritual Determinats of Health (P0288D230002) P0288D230002 Doctoral Full-time 240 4 Doctoral, Full-time, 240 credits, 4 years
Christian Thought (P0221D100007) P0221D100007 Doctoral Combined 240 4 Doctoral, Combined, 240 credits, 4 years
Christian Thought (P0221D100008) P0221D100008 Doctoral Combined 240 4 Doctoral, Combined, 240 credits, 4 years
unspecified (WM900) WM900 Lifelong learning Combined 6 5 Lifelong learning, Combined, 6 credits, 5 years
Theological Studies (B0221A100006) B0221A100006 Bachelor Full-time 180 3 Bachelor, Full-time, 180 credits, 3 years
Theology (M6141) M6141 Undergraduate Master Full-time 300 5 Undergraduate Master, Full-time, 300 credits, 5 years
Theological Studies (B0221A100005) B0221A100005 Bachelor Combined 180 3 Bachelor, Combined, 180 credits, 3 years
unspecified (B0111A19aaaa) B0111A19aaaa Bachelor Combined 180 3 Bachelor, Combined, 180 credits, 3 years
unspecified (B0114A300137) B0114A300137 Bachelor Combined 180 3 Bachelor, Combined, 180 credits, 3 years
Social work (B0923P240006) B0923P240006 Bachelor Full-time 180 3 Bachelor, Full-time, 180 credits, 3 years
Christian Thought (P0221D100008) P0221D100008 Doctoral Full-time 240 4 Doctoral, Full-time, 240 credits, 4 years
Catholic Theology (P0221D100010) P0221D100010 Doctoral Combined 240 4 Doctoral, Combined, 240 credits, 4 years